
When I’m adding the oat milk I’ll whisper to the hot oats

Oat Juice.
Milk comes from mammary glands. Juice comes from fruits and vegetables.*
Now that’s out of the way, I’m actually pretty intrigued in oat juice. I’ve tried almond and soy juice, and there is just a “funk” to them that I don’t care for. I also dig whole milk, so your recommendation sounds spot on for me!


I’m pretty stoned but I am confident that it means TWICE AS MUCH OATS

I’ve always really liked milk (I’m another one of those creepy adults who will drink a whole glass), but I was surprised to find how much I enjoy almond milk, particularly in coffee and espresso drinks. Curious to try oat milk, particularly because oats are a lot cheaper than almonds.

And plus, there’s generally zero upside (for either of you) for taking that risk anyway. Best case you tell the guy no and he’s like “Sure, that’s fine” and you never see him again. Yay. Worst case... well absolutely worst case he kills you.

Because often people react poorly to being told “I don’t think we should go on another date.” They want to know why, they want a chance to argue their case, to win you over. I think some people, especially women, learn that not returning calls and messages is as safe and clear a response as can be.

It’s not that simple. Without calculating the exact data I can tell you that about 80% of the time I say “I’m not interested” to someone after a date that was just okay, I get the bad rejection/demands for reasons why/asking for one more go/trying to friend me on Facebook/etc.

That and/or some women are too scared to chance it anymore and just start ghosting dudes because the chances they take rejection badly are too high.

I’ve spoken with some dudes who were ghosted and it was readily clear why they were ghosted: they had dangerous levels of rage toward women. Sometimes ghosting is the only safe option.

I was gonna say “that all makes sense, but how hard is it to just be an adult and say you’re not interested?” Then I realized that a guy who writes in to an advice column to ask about getting ghosted would probably be less than understanding and demand reasons or explanations and try to argue. Ghosting is annoying and

Why would this even be a question? Things didn’t click for her apparently and rather than have the backbone to say so, she ghosted you. Why would you want to pursue anything after that? Move on!

The last time I dated, I would have a few decent conversations with guys and then have zero attraction to them in person, or they would do something weird. Happens all the time. She just wasn’t attracted. It’s why my policy was always to meet them as soon as possible—a few messages back and forth, then two or three

I think the bigger issue is how many people just don’t reply. And I’m not talking about to the “hey” messages. Hell, I ignore and delete those. I’m talking about the person to whom you send a crafted message who just never even acknowledges you. A friend has complained of this on Tinder even, where she got matched

Also if you use the word za anytime in your contact, your likely to be written off and never hear from them again, be forewarned.

I’m a man, so I understand why one would assume I meant this advice as manly, masculine advice that’s only for men. That may be a failing on my part and I should have been more clear. But the two advice seekers I have quoted above are actually women (kept anonymous), and I honestly think this could help them. This

Fair enough! You don’t have to open up with a message like this if you think it’s too much, but I think it’s best if your early communications skew toward making plans. It’s something a lot of dating coaches and relationship experts recommend for the same reasons I listed here. Have some back and forth, check out the

The advice is very manly and very masculine advice. It is action-oriented, no BS out the gate. Get it going, get it done, and waste as little time as possible.

I believe Lifehacker just put up an article saying moisturizer doesn’t increase oil production.

Loving the way sunscreen goes on your skin is the best piece of advice, because you’ll actually look forward to putting it on. I only get that feeling from Japanese sunscreens, which have a delightful watery texture and disappear into my skin - besides working like a charm.

great article. I will say my skincare game drastically improved when I went to reddit’s skincareaddiction forum. The people there provide their regimens and helped me work on my hyperpigmentation.