
Yes, as a single hetereosexual guy, there’s not much that turns me off. pictures of women with puppy dog faces or random animation on their face is one of them.

I have a feeling it’s because many straight men think taking good, well-composed selfies or asking someone to photograph them when they look fresh to death is “girly.”

Straight guys are so, so, SO bad at photos. SO BAD.

I know, right?!? So un-original.

I feel like it should be a picture you’d want your family to use if you were missing: accurate, because they need to fucking find you, but flattering, because it will be on the news and stuff.

No bathroom mirror pics and no seatbelt selfies. I never understood why so many people post those two awful shots.

Ah, the old “Where’s Waldo?” profile. Guys do this too, and tbh, most white guys look so much alike to me that I just swipe left rather than trying to figure out the common denominator.

As someone who is “curvy” and feel like the girl posting is from Virtual Brit’s past... I can say...

I’m 90% sure they do it not b/c of the puppy ears or deer nose, but b/c the filter ALSO smooths out their skin and makes them look more feminine by brightening the skin, narrowing the jaw and face overall, enlarging the eyes, giving them long eyelashes, rosier cheeks, thinner nose, more noticeable lips...and maybe

You forgot looking directly into the camera with a flat affect.

Dont post a photo with a member of the opposite sex where it’s not clear that they are your brother/sister/cousin/friend or equivalent. I’ve seen photos of people at weddings where they could be bride and groom for all I know.

Also, don’t strategically hide obvious unusual features. If you’ve got a huge mole, or you’re missing an ear or something, make sure it’s visible in your photo, otherwise your date is going to feel deceived.

“Everybody uses photos that make them look their best online.”

I think at least one picture with you and only you (or you and an animal/celebrity/whatever) pictured is a good rule of thumb. If I can’t definitively point out whose profile it is, that’s a problem. 

Don’t cover your face in every photo (sunglasses, hands, coffee, etc.).

You’re wrong. Filters are an amazing tool for sorting out the people who I know I will find absolutely unbearable.

Patrick, you forgot one of the most important don’ts. Don’t use stupid filters. No Suzy, you don’t look cute with that stupid puppy dog filter or flower crown.

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