
They’re also excellent at pointing out when a “hack” is either inefficient or ineffective or sometimes even just difficult to execute properly.

You must not have been here long cause Gawker sites have been linking to Reddit posts for years.

Many other sites: “We respect communication so much we’ve delegated our comment system to social media. Now all you have to do is create an account elsewhere, contribute a view to our site’s page (thanks!), and then scour the history of our feed hoping to find the article you read so you can learn about what others

For example: if nobody reads this comment, they will never know you can extend your life by up to 30years by simply shoving one medium sized pine cone up your ass every day for 6 months straight.


I almost always read the comments on Unigawker blogs (in many cases I will click an article just to view the comments) but I wish Kinja was more amicable to consecutive replies. You get one sub-level indication and that’s it, they all moosh together. :( In longer chains I can’t always tell what reply another reply is

It’s why I refuse to click on a Skillet article if I’m hungy.

I find this to be very true over at Skillet. I have some very food-savvy commenters. :)

The best way to eat a sandwich is now.

I thought it would be a cold day in hell before I ever saw a link to Reddit from a Gawker affiliated site.

Lol not sponsored, just my personal experience as it’s written. FWIW, I don’t think most credit card companies are really into sponsoring posts that tell customers how to take advantage of them and avoid debt, which is how they make money.

I hate it with a passion, but it’s better than writing a cover letter.

On my second round of dementia caretaking. Virtual hugs to you.

Do I really have to deal with my family?

Update my godsdamned CV (Résumé for you colonials).
Here’s two sides of you having to talk about yourself (which I hate doing anyway) in a positive fashion, with sufficient clearly-extractable points to pique the curiosity of an employer and land you your next worthwhile job.
No pressure.

Your mother was a wise woman.

I can’t picture the kleenex box working for men’s underwear - too thick compared to womens. I wear boxer briefs and just fold in half, roll, and stack in a hanging cubby.

My mother was a professional knitter, and the one thing she drilled into my head, Mommie Dearest style, was that sweaters should never be hung on hangers. Ever. Ever ever. Nothing knit (including jersey knits, like t-shirts) should be hung because the weight of the garment itself will stretch it out and distort the

The t-shirt folding trick is one of the few stupid human tricks I know. Also it makes my drawers the only part of my house that looks like I actually care about neatness.

Tonic water with a splash of bitters is good if you’re out and don’t feel like imbibing or have had a few and need a break. I have a friend who doesn’t drink who swears by club soda with grapefruit juice. At home I drink tons of La Croix. Herbal tea is good too. If it’s hot out, I’ll sometimes brew some anti-anxiety