
I’ve always been a fan of the adage that never skimp on things that come between you and the ground: beds, shoes, and tires.

Quality shoes - Rockport or similar

So then you would actually wear the watch instead of toting it around in a backpack.

Fuck open workspaces

Lots of great comments, let me throw in a few clarifications: This was for a 34 km (21 mile) day hike on Mount Rainier (not a summit climb), with about 1400 meters (4600 feet) of elevation gain. Total dry weight (without H2O/Gatorade) = 6.5 pounds. We started out at 4:20 am, so headlamp was used going out. I’ll

Nope. Went out and bought a discounted 6S instead.

Except that 1) Bluetooth still exists and 2) It literally comes with analog adapter and 3) There are already 3rd party adapters - they just need to pay for the connector license

What a load of disappointing crap.

Hey! thanks for posting my desk :)

Personally I’d recommend spending the extra couple bucks and getting solid wood hammarp over the wood veneer (1/8") karlby.

You know this comments thread was going to get filled up with whinney fans.

it always surprises me that companies want their employees to be productive and yet, make them miserable by cutting off access to music. thank goodness for modern cellphone technology...

As an IT guy, I agree with this assessment. We have more important things to be spending our time on, and using server storage for.

...Now if you’ll excuse me, my coworkers and I are going to go play some minecraft on the server my company isn’t aware it’s hosting...

Another IT guy here. Same. We have monitoring tools in place, but not once have we ever actually needed or wanted to bother using them. If people think you’re not being productive, you should be more worried about management and HR, not IT. We couldn’t give a shit less what sites you’re browsing as long as your shitty

Streaming music though in my company’s case, they’ve blocked most streaming sites.

IT guy here, we don’t give a shit. Promise. We prefer to not have to archive your emails or monitor you. I would much rather spend my day arguing in the Kinja comments...so dont piss off your boss. Thanks!

My wife is a Geologist, and she has always told me that geologists in the field are notorious drinkers. Confirmed.

Yikes. That must be tough. Dim sum is like 75% shrimp.

+1 Most traditional Chinese restaurants involve shared dishes, so yeah play nice people.

PS: Not a rule or anything, but the vast majority of Chinese do not add soy sauce to their dishes at a restaurant. The dishes themselves have quite a bit of oil and seasoning already so use that for your rice