
Pretty sure none of them work as hard tbh

never believe what you read or see on the internet

Mine’s better it’s just a 24 hours full of REM’s Everybody Hurts

yeah, notes is pretty close to being solid, but still does that Apple thing where it’s just slightly proprietary for no good reason

personally, I don’t really need those extra features and have literally no interest whatsoever in including images in anything, but also, “don’t let that happen” isn’t really advice that everyone can follow. If you’re the type to get sucked into those extra features, it’s going to happen

As someone who grew up with a father who would yell, scream and throw shit over something as small as laundry not being done, I am totally with you on #2.

Funny how those men are the same ones who never seem to care about their own manscaping!

Also the ones that demand you shave your legs for them all the time.

The latter. He saw my corgi as direct competition. It worked out well though, my corgi hated him too. :-D

5. Tells me to choose between him or my dog. (This happened once, I immediately sent him on his way)

1. Rude to waitstaff or other people.

Wife material. Literally the woman you will die with...

What’s weird about this kind of stuff is that as “uncomfortable” these things might be for you to hear, they can be pretty huge defining moments in people’s lives. Some of us have lives that include histories that were less than ideal and spent many years pretending those things weren’t our lives, keeping our mouths

I usually request a phone date before I meet someone from an online dating site, which usually weeds out the crazies before I waste putting on my good makeup. My red flags usually deal with misogyny (not respecting what I do for a living, interrupting or mansplaining, etc.).

Goodness gracious... I’m going to file this under financially irresponsible :P

Doesn’t file their Tax Return. Briefly dated two different guys in two different states who never filed because “they always get money back anyways.”


Watch how they treat wait staff, ticket takers etc. If they are genuinely kind to them, they are probably a genuinely kind person all around. The opposite is also likely true.

When she shows up at your apartment 2 days later, while you are at work, asks the landlady if she can get inside as she’s “moving in soon.” To make it even more interesting, she only had my name and my work issued cell phone number and she somehow found my home. That was a big red flag.