Rachel Gatlin

I always knew he was a “difficult” guy but not like this. I’m so mad because I have great memories attached to “Lucky Now,” “Goodnight Rose,” and “I Love You But I Don’t Know What To Say.” Now all of them are ruined because he’s a terrible human being.

This. There was always something about him that didn’t feel right for me, I think it was the way he talked about his girlfriends Parker Posey and Mandy Moore, even though I ostensibly like indie folk guys... 

I remember reading a Rolling Stone profile of him back when his first big album came out (the one with “New York, New York” came out) and thinking, “This guy sounds like a douche.” Turns out, that impression was not wrong.

Yeah, same. The weird thing is, I gave him a pass when he married Mandy Moore. I figured if he was good enough for her, he was ok by me and I tamped down the bad vibes I felt for him. Ugh, her life must have been a shitshow, and that makes me very sad.

Seriously. Most of his public statements and feuds with other people were textbook narcissism.

If Average Anna had been given proper sex ed, she probably would have waited another couple years before having sex the first time, and she would have avoided that STD.

Also, the kids there are so wealthy that one year of kindergarten at that “school” literally costs the same as my entire college education (granted that was more than 25 years ago, but still).

Oh, ew. All of this reads like the crap we had to read in CCD (Sunday school held on Wednesdays, if you weren’t raised Catholic). I’d forgotten how heinous it was.

She must’ve married a guy like Mike Pence. Poor thing.

BY age 27 anna has had 4-5 sexual partners? Bahahahaha

Being in debt is okay. That’s how leveraging works.

The marriage really did a number on her self esteem, from the sounds of it.

Where the hell do they get the numbers in that Average Anna bit? Do they pull them out of their ass. A better way of putting it would be: Unlike girls who were taught that their bodies were occasions of sin, so they have to dress modestly lest they tempt any weak-minded male (although not so weak minded that they

The implied causation presented with those statistics makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out. Maybe her failed committed relationships taught her valuable life lessons that contributed to the success of her marriage. Maybe her abortion allowed her to finish college and achieve her dreams.

Yes, the belly and the navel are used in sexual play.  You know what else is--everything.  Lips, ears, neck, hands....  wearing a burqa won’t make men respect you.

It sounds like Average Anna has a pretty good time until she gets married and has kids.  That was obviously her mistake.

Anna sounded fun until she got married. 

I was subject to this trope for years. To say it has warped my psyche and held me back in self-development is an understatement. None of these “scriptural teachings” they drown you in are arguable to them, so if you don’t conform or agree to all of them, you are a devil-worshiping whore who is going straight to hell.

Anybody know Anna’s phone number?

I know what I’d do if I was in her class: