
“All I Wanna Do is Fart on You” is VASTLY superior to “Are You Strong Enough To Be My Butt”. Dumb kids.

Moneygrab from tragedy...

What makes this R&B? The fact that she’s a quarter black? She can’t sing and her stuff sounds like it would be played on VH1 at 6 in the morning.

I really wanted to like these tracks, but I have to agree. They might work as background music but nothing that anyone is going to sing along to. And her voice is incredibly generic.

i’ll, like, get my r&b, like, from otis.

Reads soaring, glowingly positive article about the progeny of two unique 90s era music talents. Clicks on videos and hears two very boring, safe, Seacreastian pop tunes.

“making music that showcases strong vocals more than wobbly production...”

“Of course, the real outcome here will be another round of unnecessarily strong razor takes, about safety razors or straight razors or proper unguents or whatever you people are arguing about these days. Have a ball!”

I have to wonder how successful this lawsuit will be since people practically sign their life away to appear on these shows.

WE can speculate all we want to (and we will), but - depending on this couple’s familiarity with the ‘real world’ of show biz - it seems like there were misunderstandings (or plain old ignorance) about how things work on this type of show. That’s one of the problems with these “reality-based” forms of entertainment.

Right, that’s why I said somewhat surreptitiously – I’m sure he knew at the time that he wasn’t having a terribly private conversation, but that doesn’t mean he was self-aware enough to realize that someone would be preserving and holding onto this particular tape for years to come, especially when you consider that

Definitely all true as it applies to the time since November, but are you sure he actually knew about the tape all this time? It was recorded somewhat surreptitiously on hot mics, after all.

The point of this conspiracy theory (at least in its current guise) isn’t to perpetuate the story about the Clinton murder trail, it’s to inject doubt into the Russia story. Multiple far right sites (and Hannity) are running stories claiming that the Democrats’ case* against Trump is about to implode because it turns

No, I’m saying THE RUSSIANS HACKED THE DNC, genius. This is undisputed except by Trump and Trumpanzees.

It says something about our country where a schmucky entertainment reporter can giggle about shit like this and have his career destroyed, yet the guy who actually said “grab ‘em by the pussy” gets elected President of the United States.

So when will Donald Trump apologize?

Woker and Boker could have killed someone. We don’t know that he didn’t.

It’s a totally unreasonable assertion. There’s no evidence that Seth Rich leaked anything. Zip. Zero. Zilch. In fact, we know that the Russians hacked the DNC (and likely the RNC as well), and the leaked documents show signs that they passed through Russia.

Except the police have debunked the fox myth 6 days before they issued the retraction. The police believe it may have been during a robbery. Remember when you hear hoofbeats think horses not zebras. Let the police follow the evidence. All this does is provoke attention seekers to flood phone lines, wasting valuable

It’s not the assertion that’s unreasonable. It’s the obvious implication that’s being made under the guise of a reasonable assertion.