
Well, I’m white and I have to moisturized my hair: coconut oil, Shea, whatever I can find in the “Ethnic Hair Section” (that shouldn’t have to be in a little, tiny space) because I don’t have “good hair.”

In re: the statement length. I think it’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t, once a large enough block of people on Twitter decided you’ve fucked up.

I too have a friend like that. Trying to explain to him why that isn’t okay is completely fruitless too. Something about how it refers to lazy people and not black people. Because, you know, some middle class white guy should totally be able to redefine a racial slur so he is allowed to say it consequence free.

This sounds like something 16 year old me would write. Except 16 year old me knew how to break his writing into paragraphs.

“I choose to be sober and I want to find someone who does as well.”

I could get dick literally anytime

Translate this into Emojis and you might have a chance.

That is a goddamn novel, and the reason that it’s unsuccessful is that no one is reading it because they’re bored after the first paragraph.

Thank you. I’m going to start reading every Trump transcript like it’s Heather Graham and Julianne Moore having a coke fueled conversation in Boogie Nights.

Would not surprise me at all, considering he allegedly only sleeps 3 to 5 hours every night.

Still convinced he abuses prescription amphetamines. I feel like he’d see himself as too sophisticated for coke but could easily convince himself some uppers from a doctor are a-ok.

I have said this before and it never stops being true: Donnie sounds like someone trying to have a serious conversation on a ball of cocaine. I really can’t listen to him talk, and when I read the shit he said, he sounds like a puppy that has too many shiny objects and noise makers around it.

“I rarely have full-blown all-three-holes sex with a stranger, but I have.

If you really are trying to make a point and aren’t just a noisy troll there are much better ways to do it. Pretty much everyone else is having a respectful, rational, conversation. Feel free to join us.

You do realize you don’t have to actually consume drugs to be arrested? Brown kid sells someone weed to some prep school kids so he can help at home - guess who’s going to jail? Before decriminalization in DC which Jason “the quitter” Chafftez from Utah tried to derail) the rate of routine pot use amongst whites and

You make and/or imply a lot of claims in your message. My responses follow.

1) Yes. People are responsible for their actions.
2) The OP made no “ultra-rational speaker” claim.
3) I agree. Many stupid opinions are unpopular.
4) Stupid may have similar connotations to idiocy, but nothing attributing naivety.

None of the

A majority of Americans at some point use illegal drugs, though. “Move somewhere it is already in use” is what rich people do already do. And if you’re referring to weed, that would be out of the country from a federal perspective which isn’t feasible to some of the most vulnerable populations not to mention many sick

“People can’t not do illegal drugs”

Doug Evans, the company’s founder, would compare himself with Steve Jobs in his pursuit of juicing perfection. He declared that his juice press wields four tons of force—“enough to lift two Teslas,” he said.