
This world-weary, bitter hipster style of writing was popular at the end of the 1990s in dying formerly-cutting-edge alternative shopper weeklies like the Village Voice and the Advocate. It never went away, unfortunately, and was amplified in less capable hands by Gawker, and now, still, 20 years hence, Jezebel.

Weird, I thought being rude and ignorant was a selling point for a conservative media personality.

My 14 year old step daughter and her dizzy friends. Mostly Kylie — and I have NO idea why they idolize that barely awake girl. Even they can’t explain it.

My father always told me, “You can’t make chicken soup out of chicken shit.” Well, dad, I humbly submit to you: the Kardashian sex tape.

If anything, I’m jealous. They built a freaking empire on...a sex tape.

Ok, I’ll bite. Why would you listen to this guy for 12 minutes, let alone 12 friggin years? He’s entertaining, sure. Especially when he’s all red-faced and spouting off all sorts of ridiculous nonsense, but you actually listen to gain some sort of truths? Honest question, not trolling here.

Ben Gazzi!

the Duck Dynasty guys before they realized being fake rednecks was a profitable endeavor

‘Spencer was merely speaking while the Nazi Party was enforcing it’s beliefs violently by force.’

So his views about the racial supremacy of the whites are better than theirs because he hasn’t attacked anyone yet? Bullshit.

He is arguing for a shift in a particular direction. They are the proof that it is a fucking bad

Lunatics make that much money?!

I’m going about life all wrong...

Once upon at time Jones might have been another Bircher-style lunatic, but he has been embraced and endorsed by the Republican President of the United States, among other GOP office holders. Typical or not, The Lunatic Fringe of right wing conspiracy theories has become an influential part of the Republican apparatus.

Nice argument for philosophy class, but pure bullshit. Words make actions. Germany didn’t start killing everyone spontaneously. Hitler worked them up to it. Trump and the others tell people lies and incite violence. Just because there aren’t ovens heating up for Jews and Muslims yet does not mean things are good. We

He is most definitely not a Republican. He’s a wing nut, plain and simple. The only reason he actually likes Trump is Trump validates his wingnuttery by citing his bullshit in his tweets from time to time.

Did you believe him the time that he pointed out that the word “gullible” isn’t actually in the dictionary?

The problem isn’t whether you believe him, it’s that so many fucking idiots not only believe him, they elected a president who believes him.

lolol The tinfoil hat!! He was all but openly mocking his guest.

Now playing

What worries me is that there are people who take the act seriously. They think that his persona is who he really is. I don’t know him personally, but that just cannot possibly be the case. He could not be a functioning adult and truly believe the things that he says. I’m subscribed because I find him weirdly


I’m sorry, but by his own standards, he is behind 9/11! Follow the money! He gained more net worth as a percentage than anyone else! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

What lies beneath all the bluster and bravado is just another sad dad. His wife has a good argument for not wanting the kids around where he records his crazy rantings.