
I don’t think she’s saying she was “triggered” by that sign. I think she’s saying that telling protesters coming to a demonstration for the first time don’t need to be told that because they were too nice/white/Christian/congenial there presence wasn’t appreciated.

It’s to show ourselves, as much as to Trump, that we are THE MAJORITY. Republicans call themselves the “silent majority”. Pretty sure they can put that to rest now.

If you didn’t understand why you were doing it, and you thought it was stupid and useless, excuse my French, but why the fuck did you go?

Fox News has never been more than propaganda. The most uninformed viewers. I looked at FoxNews.com the day after the election and they were running a story on (I kid you not) Mexican rapists. It honestly breaks my heart the way people’s sense of reality has been warped by listening to that shot.

That’s what makes it so sad. I’m re-registering in my hometown pretty soon. One thing I want to do is visit some of the trump country areas around there and let them look at me - a liberal - and let them ask me questions. They don’t seem to know what a liberal thinks about other than calling people racists. They very

Yeah, well, Trump and his team have certainly hacked the TV news panel formula, haven’t they.

That... makes no sense

They forgot their shirts (except for the one who decided to put on ALL the shirts from band camp)

I would agree. Rachel Maddow keeps having her come back on her show trying to get some “truth” out of her (she never does) and reading the responses from Trump supporters after each appearance is just enervating. Kellyanne often is used to solidify their views after dear leader has done something reprehensible.

If the marches have taught us anything, it’s that WE ARE THE MAJORITY!!!

Yup. I even read one opinion piece that noted that “fake news” is now used to talk about any news you don’t like, he said - by the right AND the left!

Two things - propaganda (Fox News, think tanks, Koch-funded “astroturfing” campaigns) and voter restriction (gerrymandering, voter registration scrubs, allowing key features of the voting rights act to expire, and instilling voter ID laws at the same time limiting polling places/times).

Yup. The GOP unleashed the kraken (Roger Ailes). They started using social psychology techniques to WIN the public. Very sinister, indeed.

Agreed. This is truly frightening. The best I can say is let’s all join neighborhood committees - this especially goes for those living in Trump heavy districts. We’re going to need all the protection we can get.

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Good god. Yellow Journalism 101. And they have the temerity to call CNN biased??^%#&!??#!!

Propaganda. That’s what they’re trying to do. Delude the public and frustrate the dissidents

Can we just call it what it is? Propaganda. Aimed at deluding or frustrating an already divided public.

Countering Trump administration propaganda and apathy is going to be hard these next four years. I fully expect this admin to try to turn the States into a dictatorship.

You do not. It’s called the sphincter muscle. Ever wonder why we use that word to describe other tight closures?