Rachel Fogg

I concede to that my friend, I’m not saying the complaints of the FF7R being broken up aren’t valid, I’m just saying at this point we ALL KNOW that it was being split up for 3-5 years now. There’s no reason to keep harping on this issues anymore.

I agree with you COMPLETELY!

That’s a great way to look at it!

My big brother and I made a pact to play the demo and the full game together like we did when we were little kids back in 1997.

I recall ALOT of RE2 fans complaining that Capcom cut out a fair amount of content for RE2 making it a vastly shorter experience than the original PS game.

I mean I fucking get it, this isn’t just any FF game, this is FINAL FUCKING FANTASY 7.


I have played FF7 approx 35 times in the last 22 years of my life, I’m not playing FF7R expecting FF7, I’m playing FF7R for a BRAND NEW VISION of the game I played 22 years ago.

I mean they look basic? We could AVOID this if Good Smile Company made the figs but no, SE has their own company for this.

I wanted to play Sonic Forces but knew it was not worth the money they paid to print the disc.

Now playing

You know what......Sonic 2 gave me Tails.

more Tokusatsu from Platinum Games?!

Oh that’s wonderful and still, so tragic.

I feel...so impure.

I can’t believe im siding with....EA...

This is it, this is the game that broke me into getting a Switch....that and the Coral Switch.

I hope to Christ that gesture is not what i think it was...tell me there’s a full clip.

I mean I plan on using approx none of these save Cactuar so...meh.

Is it me or is the console strangely pretty? Like I know its faded and worn but its remarkably well preserved.

Well fuck.