Rachel Fogg

Apparently so but for alot of LGBTQi anime fans back in the day, this is a change that hurts.

Its a pretty major damn yikes for them to remove that context...like...

I’m not even remotely an EVA fan, in the slightest but from what i’ve got told by my friends, Fly me to the Moon is the least of the removals.

Listen i have medium size tiddies and y’all need to know they’re great and annoying to do any athletic without the proper attire. And look, real talk, i love jiggling boobs, full hentai but I’m happy they gave Tifa a good damn compression sports bra.

I mean i liked alot of the elements in Odyssey, there’s missteps but i feel that Ubisoft at this point just said ‘fuck it’ to any kind of narrative and are having fun. Which is totally legit! Games should be fun. I mean its a flaming damn horse, we already had a pegasus and a unicorn, let’s just do it.

A good chunk of my friends legit got jobs in the industry for fan art, so damn many. Hell I got my first gigs in the gaming industry from doing fan art.

Memes are a different sort of grey area, they’re shared for the intent of being spread, some creators are not in control of what becomes a meme such as the ‘This is Fine’ dog or the Pepe the frog.

Any art can become a meme, the way the internet works is uncontrollable and lawless for artwork and artist.

No problem my dude, it’s cool! It happens when you deal with fan art because yeah some artists draw fanart for just fun and challenge with no intent of selling and some do it for intentions of selling. Neither are particularly bad honestly, we all need to eat lol.

She drew 2B, something that countless other artists have done. Fanart is means of marketing our skills and yes, it helps gets us recognized.

Fam, that video hits the core.

I have gone after friends who’ve done this, I too, have reposted fan art and got called out for doing it in the past. Yknow what I did?

Oh I know his cult is on high alert, they’re all over Twitter busting their metaphorical nuts in trying to defend him and what he did. I’m not surprised they showed up here.

Son, I’m older than you.

I can’t speak for the EU, I’m in the USA. And lord knows the mess of fair use/copyright going on now.

There’s a massive difference in creating fan art and asking to get credit for your interpretation of that fan art and some rich chode reposting art and FLAT OUT REFUSING to credit the artist especially when he literally has to pay a settlement from doing the same thing to another person.

Most artists in the industry of

Yeah in the original game Cloud’s eye colour is something that’s always brought up because he has the Mako glow from SOLDIER.

Okay but I remember going full goddamn NUTS when Cloud had motherfucking FRECKLES.

But he wasn’t humbly confident, Cloud was never a confident person. He was insecure and never could fit in as a kid. He saw Tifa and her friends and wanted to join them but the whole town felt that Cloud was just ‘weird’. There was no reasons behind it that SE gave so HOPEFULLY the Remake will shed some light on that.

In fairness to Square/Enix, Cloud’s personality does a full 180 after the truth is revealed. His true personality was he was always a bit odd and shy but he tried to hide it by picking fights. He’s always been a person that needed a push to go beyond his limits (we all know a person like that). It was only after

I adore sassy asshole Cloud, so damn much. Yeah my boy went through hell but in the early parts of the game he’s a straight dick.