To be fair, they looked up from what they were doing to see a guy pointing a gun at them, in know, the state that says it’s okay to murder people just because you feel threatened by them and you own a gun.
To be fair, they looked up from what they were doing to see a guy pointing a gun at them, in know, the state that says it’s okay to murder people just because you feel threatened by them and you own a gun.
This all could have very easily been avoided. If only this man would have done what any upstanding citizen should have done, which is stayed inside his house and called the police.
He went out to go see what they were doing in front of his house
“Of course he’s gonna shoot at them.”
Right. And even if they did hit him, they would be at least as justified as the man shooting at them. They had more reason to think their life was in danger than he did, since he was the one with the gun, approaching them on the street and giving orders. That is identical behavior as what someone trying to rob and/or…
That does not give you the right to confront someone armed and ready to shoot. Thats when you call the cops, like a normal fucking person.
Yeah so don’t go outside, don’t stand in front of the car, and don’t threaten people with a gun. He did everything wrong and the kids did everything right. Brandishing a firearm at people in the street and then firing at them for getting away is obviously wrong and should be prosecuted.
You shouldn’t be walking out to confront people at 1:30 in the morning, gun or no gun. Evaluate from a distance, and contact law enforcement (which you are not) if needed. Do not do detective work, because you do not have a badge, traing, or any legitimacy in doing so.
From their perspective, his story, some guy with a gun suddenly appeared and was mugging them.
What the fuck is wrong with people? This man needs to be arrested, it isn’t 1880s Wild Wild West. And it isn’t Pokemon Go’s fault - they could have easily been making a phone call, looking at Google Maps because they were lost, or even pulled over to take a quick nap because they were on a road trip and decided to not…
if they were parked in the street then that is not his property, the road is public property and they have the right to park there if they want.