Hulk, you say?
Hulk, you say?
I can smell Gawker dying from all the way over here.
Gawker’s revenue last year was ~$46 mill, with about six
That’s why Denton and that other human turd were also personally sued, and why the jury awarded more than asked. The jury reconvenes Monday to award yet more money in punitive damages. The toilet is flushed. Jordan is next, that little fuck.
Why “Peace”? Fuck these faggots. It’s a shame for Tyler, though. Even though I despise his politics he brings awesome content here.
God I hope so
capital to pay staff and maintain the site? a good reputation to attract worthwhile advertisers? Gawker has none of that now through their own asshattery
Gawd, I cannot wait.
They do nothing but post race bait articles. The chicken is finally coming home to roost. BROTHER
Maybe they will just give the company to Hulk Hogan instead of the $115 Million payment ;)
With all of the crap that makes it onto the main Gawker pager, I’m not surprised in the slightest.
Denton and Daulerio didn’t do themselves any favors acting like jackasses in court. I can’t believe they picked a Hulk Hogan sex tape as their hill to die on. The loss is completely deserved.
Tyler is a Real American so I’m sure he’ll get to keep his job after Gawker is renamed He might have to blog in a yellow leotard and headband, but whatever.
Did I miss the article tonight about the trial?
Tyler, I absolutely love your writing. Please tell me you will still be employed after The Hulkster owns Gawker. I look forward to Foxtrot Alpha every day.
“The exercise will last five weeks.”