
I still don’t understand how anyone with a triple digit IQ would think that was white and gold in the first place. How stupid.

A whole article documenting Jia’s racial insecurity.

You mean spaces where they can say anything they want including lies and be free from having those accusations recorded and then be made accountable for them? What are they hiding that they don’t want an impartial witness “the video camera” to see?

Is there something we’re supposed to be upset about? I’m a little confused.

I didn’t know balanced meant only telling one side of the story

Well, I look forward to it. Off topic, but I was in Iceland for a week in August. Traveling for work gets to be old hat, but Iceland is probably the most amazing country I’ve ever been to. The terrain is just mind blowingly gorgeous. And Reykjavik was equally full of fun and great people.

The moderate rebels are a fantasy. If they existed at one time they certainly do not now. Your view of the situation is about a year and a half out of date

So by that logic, you can sign a contract, reap the benefits and when you want to move on claim an unsafe environment to excuse yourself from the agreement you signed?

She needs to file charges against him and have it resolved in court, not leverage allegations. The pesky thing in the US is a person is supposed to be

I fail to see how whether or not he raped her isn’t important. That seems like a pretty fucking important detail here.

They’ve had some no-shit controls over TOW AT and Stingers are far more difficult to use, let alone employ effectively. They are not a look down sight, pull trigger weapon. So much goes into just firing them that a decent amount of troops who train on them, simply do not get certified.

“can’t even hit accurately from 30,000 feet”

Whether or not he raped Kesha? So, even if he’s totally innocent and she has no reason to feel unsafe around him, he should just let her have her way because feelings? Got it.

Now playing

Tsk tsk, those dumb russkies. They should stick to drinking wodka and squating, amirite?

Outrage is so much fun!

God, what a creep. Buffalo Bill much?

Saudi Arabia- known for their allstar human rights record!

This is going a little far. If he didn’t rape her then he has every right to defend himself. How much money would you willingly give up to protect the mental well-being of someone who falsely accused you of a serious crime?

Well to be fair that is his business, make money. I do not know if he did it or not, just as everyone else.

This is starting to look more like a divorce in which the wife lies about the husband than a business disagreement.

What’s wrong with his tweets? He has the right to defend himself on twitter if Kesha has the right to repeat allegations there.