"it's a special breed of insufferable when a fan base goes form nonexistent to so-good-we-think-we're-part-of-the-team in just three years. I like the seahawks, but the 12th man can fuck right off."
"it's a special breed of insufferable when a fan base goes form nonexistent to so-good-we-think-we're-part-of-the-team in just three years. I like the seahawks, but the 12th man can fuck right off."
This 90-second clip from Seahawks radio flagship KIRO has it all: ecstatic announcers celebrating Seattle's return…
Some NFL team that was desperate for a quarterback would have surly drafted him in the third round.
Prosecutors remain baffled at the fact that of all the people surveyed, they can't seem to find a Patriots fan who began following the team before 2001.
Who are more intolerable?