
Most of the time I just buy minced garlic in a jar. There, I said it. It’s just basically a shortcut for me and it’s just as potent as fresh (not including roasted). It allows me to add it to a lot more things more easily.

Funny how the two preeminent dystopian novels 1984 and Brave New World are in socialist settings, Democrat ideology being that of the bureaucrats in Brave New World almost verbatim.

Democratic, asshole.

Trade all liberty for stability is not socialism, it’s oligarchy or fascism.

Can Jalopnik stick to cars, please.

If HRC had asked him to be vice president we wouldn’t be in this mess. Single dumbest mistake.

See, I’ve got this personal rule I follow: Never NP an Audi. Without exception, these bastards will rape your wallet for at least 100 percent of what you paid to buy them.

A truly liberating state to be in. But only a cad would point it out.

Problem solved.

Agreed on the WD40 on the chain. This is especially true for dirt bikes with o-ring chains. Not so much for non o-ring chains.

That explains why he’s not happy with his cover.

Whatever a spider can...

I send them to an extension on my PBX that hangs up and puts them on a list. Then everytime they call back, they get put on a permanent hold with the Cisco Opus 1 tune and a “your call is important to us, please hold” message. One guy waited 2 hours before hanging up.

Well, when you put it that way his regime was practically bloodless. But then you are comparing it to Stalin and Mao Tse Kidtoucher who offed tens of millions each

Considering he’s stancing diesel VWs, that shouldn’t surprise anybody.

We do it all the time, but even stance isn’t as offensive as his racism

So in order of decreasing accuracy, the title could be:

That’s a “race to the bottom” logic that ignores major cities where an increased minimum wage has seen an increase in economic growth. It’s the core of the Right’s and Trump’s nonsense:

Woe is me. I have to give employees a living wage. I’ll have to close my business if I can’t abuse my employees and grab as much