
Just to be clear, you knew you were lying when you typed that last sentence, right? I hope you have the morals to at least admit that to yourself since it’s unlikely you’ll do so out loud.

Right. And the right wing wants to liberate people through bankruptcy.

No, this shouldn’t be the “other” real story. This is THE story. Nobody should be forced to make this kind of choice, especially when they are well into their 70s and 80s, especially when they live in the richest country that spend 600 billion dollar on military each year.

Believe it or not, it’s relatively easy to design the logic behind these devices for most engineers. Then it’s just a matter of fitting all the correct types of devices (or logic gates) that will control the valves. Even the engineer who designed the valve body probably couldn’t look at one and tell you how it works.

...and an ignition switch that locks the gearshift for theft protection and not the steering column.

Believe it or not, that’s accurate!

Now playing

Here’s a video cued up to a time that actually shows the sync gear in action

You have to talk to other people to be dishonest

When stopping behind another car at a light, I stop on which ever side of the lane that offers the better escape route to the side of the car in front of me. I also keep the bike in 1st gear, and I keep checking the mirrors.

Maybe not angled but I leave enough space to pull up or swerve around the next car if necessary. I’m also always in gear unless there is 0 or 2+ cars behind me. Just in case I have to scoot quickly.

As awesome as the car’s acceleration aside it also points out the key factor of being aware of your surroundings while driving, including what’s behind you.

What planet are you living on? Since he (Obama) pulled us out of there, without renegotiating the Status of Forces of Agreement, groups like ISIS have laid waste to the entire region. 

God, yes. Pinkham’s BCO/OTM segment has all but withered away. Sucks, because that shit was the only thing that made Monday morning bearable.

We’re going to build this big, beautiful FA blog, and we’ll make Univision pay for it.

I dunno, I think just Mid-Size Car and a barcode would be even more appropriate.

I’m not much for buzzwords. I just think it’s good when people can see from others’ perspectives and recognize that not everybody enjoys the same position in life.

That is one of the best answers I have seen on Jalopnik!

I mean, “repeatedly test them, ensure they are safe and can’t be tampered with and turned into mass killing machines, and also let’s make people pass a basic competency test before they get one” actually sounds like a great plan to me...