
I was using presidents as an example, but i feel sure that my statement applies equally to congress, and the state level government as well. Governor Brownback has hardly been fiscally conservative in Kansas, and Tom Corbett screwed us over pretty well here in PA. Republican fiscal conservatism is a myth.

Republicans aren't fiscally conservative. The last republican to submit a balanced budget was Dwight Eisenhower.

As many of you know, I am currently importing a 1990 Nissan Skyline GT-R to the United States. Well, just to be clear, I am not importing it. That task is being handled by a bunch of sailors, and longshoremen, and dockworkers, and port employees, all of whom are currently taking a union-mandated smoke break.

That would be fun!

That'll get you busted even faster. Studded tires haven't ever been legal in NYC AFAIK. Let's face it, the roads there are torn up enough already, and you'll only need them once a year, maybe. They'd be really scary on the steel construction plates that are everywhere, too.

Scramblers have a wet clutch.

I have a friend with an electric bike. She prefers it to her literbike for most things. Lighter, instant torque, and does the job for 90% of the stuff that needs doing. What's not to like? Yes, green, no lol, and pennies a charge vs a 22mpg literbike isn't advanced math.

It keeps them from being frozen to the windscreen, so that you don't have to scape them loose. I didn't notice that one was stuck frozen to the windshield a few weeks ago, and stripped the splines right out of the arm.

Yep. It was his fault for being an ass. Anytime you have to resort to the passive voice ("the accelerator was pushed in a straight-line") you are just trying to cover shit up - like tricky Dick telling us 'mistakes were made.' He fucked up while showing off. That's automatic asshole status.

Looks like Ford is bringing back the Tempo also! Woohoo!

I loved my 3 fiesta mk1's. 1798 is a good weight for a car. Crossflow kents are good engines. Light, quick, flickable, fun on asphalt or gravel. I really pissed of some dude in a Monte one night on Commonwealth Ave. in Boston. He just couldn't believe that little shitbox beat him five lights out of seven. Water pumps

dogpile.com is another old school search engine that pulls results from all the others mentioned. It was a joke.

Let's not make this a Dogpile.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

Nope. The front is driven by the ground, not driving. Look at the me 33 laser pattern. Even when cheating with a rear mounted on a front, the right thing is to spin it opposite. That's mounted properly. The BMW with the rear dirt bike tire mounted on the front in the pic above this Guzzi should have it turned the

If predator had that 'bike' he'd be a pedestrian.

Ride? That sculpture is not for riding. How are you supposed to ride a 'bike' with all of 1" of front suspension travel? It's useless wankery. The cases might as well be empty for all the use that thing is.

^This^ Exactly.

If it is that important, pull over and check all you like. If you are driving, pay attention to driving. Yes, even at traffic lights and in stop and go. Situational awareness is ALWAYS important when you are piloting a kinetic energy weapon. ALWAYS.