
"You don't kill a man for being rude."

Damfino. I raced bikes. I've only crashed cars on the street.

Go for it. There is nothing like racing! Even the guy in last place had a race, and the only thing to lose for being cautious is an an entry fee.

As an ex club racer of proddy bikes, i feel safe in saying that all racing is serious business. "Low level" racing is dicing with death for plastic trophies. Be careful, be lucky, and be done with racing before racing is done with you.

If the used car you are looking at has regularly scheduled services that require that the engine be removed, consider spending your money on something more practical. Think seriously about the advantages of hookers and blow.

Not if you still can't define socialism after all this time to look it up.

I told you that you couldn't define socialism w/o looking it up, and all you said was, "yes I can, I'm way smart, I've read books and stuff" and some snarky libertarian BS about 'statists' and 'redistribution', but you didn't answer the implicit question.
You asked me about libertarianism, and I gave you a legitimate

You are right, the tech was wrong. That is a cool little piece of history, and a neat car.

A libertarian is someone "engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness" while allowing that butsecks and dope smoking might be ok, at least for them.

I don't think you remember the Lindsay administration, let alone Abe Beame. The city has not always been the exclusive playground for the rich that has become.

...And the very terms of your reply reveal you to be a libertarian/randroid. It's ok, you'll grow up someday, or the rest of us will be lucky and you'll go galt.

You wouldn't know a socialist if one bit you in the ass. You couldn't define socialism without ten minutes and an internet connection. In my life I've watched my city turned from a place for everyone to a playground for rich assholes that think that not only does their shit not stink, but it smells good. GFY.

Genetically Modified is not the same as Selectively Bred. Wiki is your friend, use it.

WTF? How are religious holidays in the the least analogous to football games? The church's purpose is the worship of their invisible sky friend of choice, and protected by the constitution. The University's purpose is education, by it's charter from the state. It is not for the entertainment of the locals, or the

You are right. It has nothing to do with the NCAA. If Penn State had a shred of class they would have shut down the football program on their own. Forever.

"Failed states like California and New York" That's when I knew you to be a troll. It's funny though. 'Small government' conservatives, shrinking government small enough to fit in bedrooms and Slingshots.

Hey, it's just, like, my opinion man. You can have all the auto anything you want. Still, a van is better than a pickup at carrying everything except manure. IMO, of course.