I'm not sure how this obvious truth is an unpopular opinion, except with cage drivers too ignorant to know better. IOW, This, a thousand times, This.
I'm not sure how this obvious truth is an unpopular opinion, except with cage drivers too ignorant to know better. IOW, This, a thousand times, This.
No clutch pedal = -10% bad weather /low traction control. No clutch pedal is never better, except that one time I fell off my racebike and sprained my right wrist and left ankle. That time I was glad the econoline had a slusher. Also glad that that there were people to help me load up for the drive home.
I approve everything you say, except "little." It is my unpopular opinion that any car over 2000# is a bloater. I don't care if it makes a million horsepower. If it weighs more than 2000 pounds it weighs too much to be truly fun and sporty. I do not expect anyone to agree. They will blather about safety, and mod cons.…
Umm. Ya. You see, in right hand traffic countries, we use cars with left hand drive. It's a little confusing maybe. Stay right, sit left. Stay left, sit right.
Sorry for that then. Water Buffalo's are super cool.
The Gurney Alligator isn't a 2 stroke. That's a large 4 stroke single. It is weird tho.
That's not a bike. It's a very narrow 4 wheeler.
After we're done listening to Staff Sergeant Giunta, and contemplating his experiences, we should listen to a Marine who received two Medals of Honor during his life, and arguably saved democracy in America, Major General Smedley Butler. Here's what he had to say.
It's great that they're using it hard in bad conditions. Press on regardless and all that, you know. That said, I hate watching supposedly professional drivers ignoring the center line. It's sloppy bullshit. Don't give me that "but I could see it was clear" crap either. I ride my motorcycle in all kinds of weather (I…
There is a reason that composite airplanes are painted white. Sunshine kills carbon. Alright, technically, UV causes the resin to loose strength over time. You will not see many of those in 30 years.
I've had a couple of very fun Wed. nights at Englishtown, and every roadrace starts with a drag race!
Racing is the purest form of sport. All racing. It's all good. From a foot race to MotoGP, every bit of it is good. Pick your poison and have a blast.
Are plyers what these use to make two ply paper? When your plyer breaks can you fix it with a pair of pliers? Cute truck. Looks like too much fun for here.
If cost effectiveness was going to be considered, we wouldn't have invaded Iraq in the 1st place. The DFH's were right, again.
Parachuting cars from an airplane? Amateurs.
Trickle down to us? Same as always - they'll piss on our heads and tell us it's raining.
Nanny State? Conservatives are the ones trying to shrink the government small enough to fit into my crotch. And what does race have to do with this? What are you trying to imply?