
“Regular Car Reviews” is garbage. Not going to watch it, but I wouldn’t get too bent out of shape.

I just sold mine to a guy in France for 10k. Mine was stock, unrestored with less than 5k original miles. Had a hidden S&S supercarb (with the stock Keihin included) and the two up seat setup (along with the single seat). You could restore it, but the XLCR only parts are going to be very expensive. Borderline NP.

I think Porsches are very good value until you start piling on options. So long as you don’t care about things like leather sun visors, you can get an excellent car for a reasonable price.

Cuomo is a slimeball that has pissed of people on the left and right equally. For those outside of NYS who don’t keep their NYS corruption score card up to date, it’s not just Cuomo. Here’s a sample.

Wow Cuomo is linked to yet another corruption scheme. What a shock. /sarcasm.

So throwing away long-respected journalistic principles, whereby people may tell you things they otherwise wouldn’t/couldn’t in exchange for confidentiality, is OK as long as you don’t like the guy? We’ve become a nation entirely overtaken by feelings.

Do Camrys also enrich themselves by selling favors while in office?

lol, all Jalopnik needs to do now is write how “muscular” Hillary is.

you are not old, this is just ugly.

“Stunning”? Surely you meant stunningly ugly. There are like 382 visual elements just “tacked-on” to the exterior. It’s a total mess that is embarrassing just to behold, let alone ride in, or, .....purchase? ew

Reducing pollution is always an honorable goal, and we have reduced pollution from most all fossil fuel-burning sources ca. 90-95% over the years. Eliminating that last few percent gets asymptotically more expensive, especially when the vast majority of the rest of the world has done nothing and plans to do nothing

No, traffic is caused by epic fucksticks who dont know shit about driving or living in a society.

I don’t think anyone buying these behemoths are all that concerned about fuel economy.

It’s spun polypropylene, sort of like your fleece jacket. It’s crap compared to leather, it does not wear well and pills and gets dirty quickly. A steering wheel is the worst thing to be covered in this because it stains quickly from the oils in your skin. I ordered the optional leather wheel and shift boot on my GT4.

Having served aboard submarines for 12 years I cannot believe this decision. So now realize that hostile countries can now park munitions off the coast and be a pain to find, but Flipper can talk to his mom easier. Yes I do love animals, but I happen to prefer the well being of humans.

Size is also a factor, if someone weighs over 200 pounds they can pretty much forget about getting into the cockpit. I’m 6'4" & fairly large from working out so there would be no way I could dream fitting in one of these, getting a decent seat on an air carrier is a chore enough. Factor in someone who is not also in

Bored son in law of Kajillionaire takes one of kajillionaires wifeys $100K car after she’s bored with it and makes it art project to boast a socialist to show how “down with the struggle” he is from behind his 8ft tall privately secured walls.....a true man of the people....

$100K - R8 V10

This is why Porsche is still the most accessible sports car. You see turbos out there with insane mileage and it's totally fine. No way I would pay 120k for this when I can get a lightly used GT3 for that price.