
I work in healthcare in a “sanctuary city”. Over the years I have treated thousands of illegal aliens, which have no insurance and never pay out of pocket. You and I eventually pay for it. This, plus other social services that illegal Imighants use at a much higher percentage than the general population drain our

It’s a car blog, seems like all it is lately is a way to critique the new administration. Get back to car stories, if I want political comedy I will go to the huffington post.

My all time favorite NASCAR body style. It actually still looks like the thunderbird.

Its always amazing how many people die when the Clintons get investigated. Trump has done more since elected than Obama has in 8 years. You just keep spouting the standard talking points. The first 100 days are going to be fun to watch.

I agree with some of your pics, the Lambo has always been the lowbrow poser car for every newly rich brow that wants to impress, even though I agree it is actually a good super car but way too many around. Porsche, small drop but low numbers and cult will never see average prices again. Bora, your kidding, real

I have been forced to join 3 unions in my career, none on them were worth a dam. They did absolutely nothing for me but provide terrible healthcare choices, skim money from my check to provide union bosses with huge salaries and perks, and contribute these monies to politicians and causes I don’t believe or agree

Minor annoying flaws!!!! That’s the real problem, democrats are blind to the real criminal activities of the Clintons and would support someone who if not running for office would now be wearing an orange jumpsuit. The republicans are not totally clean either, but when Nixon got caught for much less his own attorney

Obviously ricer, also has PVC roll bar and oversize wing, more camber than alowed by law, and stretched tires on oversize rims.

So he doesn’t want to burden the taxpayers, yet he runs a sanctuary state, gives out welfare and social services like candy! I have lived here all my life and can’t wait to get out, highest taxes, corrupt government at every level.

It won’t be a stretch for Democrats to become racist to win, remember they are the party of slavery, Jim Crow laws, and segregation. I remember the governor of a certain southern state standing on the steps preventing black students from entering school. The democrats only recently embraced equality when they

I am old enough to remember when disc brakes started to become standard on American cars. At the time, if you needed a brake job, mechanics charged MORE to do the disc than drums. When I started to do my own repairs I could not believe what a rip off a disc brake pad change was at a shop.

The diesel MB will run forever, the car may fall apart around it but the engine and driveline is bulletproof.

Wow that is so dangerous, I counted at least 10 openings in the guardrail where if you hit it wrong it would be like a knife spearing the car. Someone died a few years ago down south on a track day running backwards and they hit the guard rail the wrong way. Can’t amagine how they got away with that there

Tavarish’s favorite car the Mercedes S500 from 2001 to 2006, dirt cheap at between $6 to $10,000. Huge roomy back seat with massage option, excellent ride, nothing has presence like an s class when you pull up. Want to spend more the S550 W221 are now starting to be in the price range but I actually like the sleek

You snowflakes are all ridiculous, you think being impolite is going to change anything, you think your taking a stand. I work in the health profession, I have to treat everyone, should I ask you who you support before I treat you? I have help save a cop killer while the policeman died in the next room, should I

Never ever use “imbues” more than once in the same article.

My buddy has a diesel Tourag and it is a great tow vehicle for his open car trailer and Porsche. I can’t wait for all you earth huggers to turn these in so I can pick one up dirt cheap!

Volvo most likley did their homework and understood that the market was extremely small for a 32 roadster copy that only appealed to aging males that were either unable, unwilling, or did not have the finances to build a real one.

Exactly, Hillary wiped 13.

I don’t think everyone who voted for Trump was a white uneducated old man.