
Jones said the fire department had a problem extinguishing the high-voltage lithium ion battery cells, which require “copious amounts of water,” saying there were enflamed battery cells scattered throughout the scene.

He wants stricter zero-emissions standards that would boost demand for electric vehicles, including Tesla’s, and force other automakers to sell more of these models instead of using credits to meet their goals more money.

You’re an idiot.

Pretty dumb of Long to turn in so massively early. I heard about the incident and had a completely different picture in mind. That is some weirdly excessive defending from Long, and if he was thinking more of the championship he should have let O’Connell go.

Alright I get it. Everyone hates Chrysler, except the odd car here and there, like the Viper, the “Hellcat brothers”, or a Jeep Wrangler. But the NEON really was a nice looking and going little car. It was definitely the a step in the right direction for CHRYSLER and Dodge in particular. It was “90s cute”, very much

You’re not familiar with the American government are you?

Neutral: Is Michigan Full Of Shit?

If there’s one thing that really upsets me, it is the scientific community’s continued insistence on turning

That’s a Mustang racing line right there.

As an engineer, this is a very, very disturbing precedent.

I’d like to add an option 4: set balance of performance once. At the beginning of the season. Use it to ensure that the cars have similar power to weight ratios and power distribution. If my team is better at setting up suspension/chassis/aero or has better drivers than another team, we’ve created an advantage, but it

There’s a solution.

Actually, it’s not great. If guns are any indication, those who fail to partake based on fear tend to be more favorable of measures that make them less afraid, AKA trying to restrict, reduce or eliminate common ownership.

Millennial here with a new muscle car. Most people my age love it and the idea of having one, but also can’t afford them. I’m just lucky to be an engineer