
I didn’t include that one scene with Lusamine because SPOILERS but that, too, was messed up.

Pokemon as a general concept feels like a house of cards that you shouldn’t mess around with lest the whole thing collapse in on itself. Let’s not forget that your relationships with your Pokemon are founded on an institutionalised system of kidnapping and enslavement; no Pokemon chooses to go with you or fight in

Why so lazy?

Bad Nintendo. But also kinda of weak move from the Game Awards, I mean, if the added the “nominee for best fan creation”, was it really that hard to see that this might be a conflict of interests? Especially sense they picked two games that already had a DMCA. Either they quickly changed their mind, or Nintendo was

What... what the hell? Leonard Cohen is dead, Trump is in the White House, and now Splash is actually USEFUL?

M rated Pokemon would be interesting.

In Seattle, there are a couple of places where the homeless can get mail (and therefore register and vote.) I saw a sign in Pioneer Square that was basically “Homeless? You can still vote! Here’s how!” created by the King County election board.

You may have just found out about it, but it’s not really new news, they reported on it four days ago when the information came out, and it’s not that big a deal it needs to be kept on the front page for four days.


How is that censorship? Do they even know what the word means?
being unable to freely express opinions != being unable to monetize while expressing opinions

Without online upload and download of the stages, which doesn’t make any sense.

Is it bad that I opened this article, excited for there to be new content for Portal 2 ?

Like all Russian things, my heart is heavy with the sadness of it, but at the same time, I turn to my dog, and say “You are weak and useless american dog. You stare at squirrels and bark only at people you know. Look at these dogs—they have job. Get Job, dog.”

“If I can’t be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst!”


Just had to delay this one too, didn’t you Jason?

On the one hand: cool, they’re doing something no one else is.

Its like someone spilled some Metal Gear on some Steven Universe

Conservative parts of the society have a really stiff notion about women’s roles and even more so about purity. Even among less conservative people, there’s a strong cultural idea of what a good girl is, what she does, and how she approaches love and romance. There’s this idea of purity, chastity and innocence that is

That doesn’t look right at all. Pretty sure mine is more accurate. (Also, this is the first time we’ve posted about this. We don’t really do teasers.)