
I was thinking this. If they hadn’t banned Kotaku, I’d probably agree with Jason. But it just seems mean to me if they’re going to make jokes about someone while refusing to talk to them.

What a dumb hill to die on.

Why can’t this be the history we remember? The moment in time when we struck down these monuments to hate? Instead of teachers and parents having to regretfully explain to black children what these statues stand for, now they can point to the news today and show them that shit doesn’t stand any longer.

I was born in

Looks like a less charming Sonic Adventure 2. Listening to City Escape now, damn you Jason.

They could use a change like this. The more exposure I see them getting on television, the more stale the games get. Batman was good story-wise, but the technology and mechanics really dragged behind the plotting. I’m encouraged by the beautiful Guardians of the Galaxy stills they released in the past week, but I’ll

Side note: Jonas was supposed to start a few seats over closer to the scorer’s table but they had to redo the blocking on the fly because Bill Russell refused to move.

Yes, this. This is EXACTLY the reason I’ve been dying for a Kagero. Yep.

This fucking game, man. I have been in some really shitty, toxic, accusatory LFG raid groups that have fallen apart after beating its head into Golgoroth for an hour, but instances like those are completely outshined by the groups of total strangers being patient with a mid-tier player. Maybe it’s a guy running a


gee thanks

Guys, this is tight. Please do more.

President Johnny Gentle, everyone. So looking forward to O.N.A.N.

Lol, that’s Dan Ryckert from Giant Bomb with the sign. He’s obsessed with Waluigi, much to everyone else’s chagrin. The amiibo was announced soon after.

But I’ve already read all those! I need blurbs, dammit!

We have to remember we are the vast minority. What is practical to you is extremely unpractical to most. This is a mainstream product and the mainstream has no idea how this thing works or have even heard the word “emulator.” They just know it looks and plays like their childhood.

Surprised the shotgun vs. sniper ratio is so high in PVP considering this was before the new shotty meta. I suppose I was still getting blasted pretty often anyway.


But they have to make this a standalone release at some point, right? They’d be leaving so much money on the table.

By horrible you mean hilarious without exception, right?

Dear god, Kirk. That is... impressive.

Hope to pick up ya’ll’s crests tomorrow.