
That would include atheism as well you do know, because it's a religion by definition of the word. Whether you go with the "Common held belief" definition or the "A belief about a god/deity" it's a religion, remember a Not believing in God is still a Belief About God.

Atheism is a religion, by definition you know. Whether you go with the “A common held belief” or “A belief about a god/deity” it’s still a religion, not believing in god is still a belief about god.

This is my favorite response of the day.

Whether it was intentional or not, it did add to a feel of the game. A sense of helplessness when outnumbered and vulnerability, which I think the Souls series conveys very well and never plays into a power fantasy.

You mean like a large portion of the internet has already done for the last 10 years?

The Soul series, as much praise as it gets, is as much fighting the controls as it is fighting the monsters. Everything just feels clunky to me in those games.

And we’ll have to disagree on that last part. I don’t think Cindy is heavy handed at all, because of the reasoning's I gave.

Save for X, I can’t really think of any memorable music to spring from the series. XV already has some songs in it that I know will become unforgettable classics of the series, Veiled in Black is definitely one of them.

It’s not degree of skin at all, but how the characters are presented.

I’m confident the music will be epic. Shinomura has really become quite the composer and a real joy to listen to.

Cindy and Quiet are totally different. Quiet was hands down objectification, she never spoke(save once), her animations were unnecessarily sexualized ALL the time, and she followed around Big Boss like an obedient dog.

I expect corniness in all my Final Fantasy’s and is probably why XIII was such a let down(It was serious-corny, not corny-corny). I mean, it’s a franchise that had Cloud cross dress to be picked by a pimp, where Red XIII dresses up as a Sailor, where a giant Octopus crashes the Opera, Where Gilgamesh has a chicken

To be fair, Quiet didn’t have anything else to be judged by either. She never spoke save one moment, her animations were purposefully over sexualized, she was given attire that would have made Daisy Duke blush. She was a badass sure, but I understand and even agree with the complaint about her, it was just simply too

I wouldn’t go quite that far, there are legit cases of objectification(Quiet in MGSV for example is pure objectification), but I don’t get it from Cindy. She’s obviously skilled and intelligent(She makes a flying car) and is someone proud of her looks(Who else could dress like that besides someone proud of their body)

I’ll agree the experience changes with other people, and otherwise horrible games can even be entertaining with friends. But I think that speaks more about the experience local multiplayer brings to the table...and I’m very sad there aren’t more of those.

You’d be surprised at some of the outfits people will wear around there family. Just went to our State Fair here, and my god there was some very revealing clothing worn(Worse than Cindy) out in the fair with their kids/parents around.

To be fair, there aren't too many camera's out there in 3rd person that do well in tight spaces. Witcher 3, which is an amazing game all around, has a pretty crappy camera when you're surrounded by enemies in a tight space. Not excusing it, but saying I really just haven't seen anyone do much better with it.

Secret of Mana with friends is still Secret of Mana :P. And Densetu 3 is debatable, nothing beats the original for me :)

You forgot Meh. Her outfit doesn’t affect me in anyway other than disapproving looks from my wife who will think “SO that’s why he plays this game”.

Magic in XV is very powerful, to a ridiculous degree at that. You draw base elements, combine them together with items to create spell charges. It’s not spammy if that’s what you were hoping for, but the trade off is really visceral and dangerous spells that can turn the tide.