Can confirm as well. Getting a hard hit to the kidneys even hurts more in the moment, about the same after too.
Can confirm as well. Getting a hard hit to the kidneys even hurts more in the moment, about the same after too.
The GTI rear seat is pretty decent compared to the Mustang, and really most mid size cars. Only had to put a child seat in twice but both times it wasn’t an issue.
Absolutely would pay quite the high ticket price to see an F1 car hit the downhill turn at some ungodly speed.
Just don’t be a moron when using them. Once watched a guy use the larger 25 gram cartridge to fill what was probably a 23mm road time on his fixie, he blew the bead off the wheel and popped the tube. I think the wheel just didn’t have much of a hook for the bead to seat against. Ended up giving him a spare 29er tube…
Love his works, do not care for his opinion on formatting and punctuation. Same goes for Vonnegut and Faulkner as well.
Usually when people react dead face calm after something like that its just a different reaction to shock, but nope he just seems to have no qualms with flipping a car at 200 MPH. Damn.
I was just looking at this 16' “Restored”, yet still slightly broken, Scamp the other day. Pretty cool campers, definitely not in the market yet though.
Two best parts of boat ownership. The day you buy it and the day you sell it off to some other unlucky bastard. I love boats and enjoy working on them, but boy than can be hell.
Do they make one without the thumb button? That thing made the MX3 comically wide, but the grey theme would look good with my old IBM keyboard...
Do they make one without the thumb button? That thing made the MX3 comically wide, but the grey theme would look…
Clearly for the foldable windshield, removable doors, kinked tailgate cable, and absurd price? I wouldn’t understand, its a heep thing.
That was probably just the opener, first get him away from the Buel, then into the sportster, then steer him into an Ultraglide.
Did you not see what blog your in with that comment?
He’s definitely off his rocker these days, but so were plenty of great writers...Could go either way.
Depends on the ABS system. Modern ones are much better, but on even some 90s cars they can be horrible in the snow with not enough dwell between pules to let the wheel rotate. I still think you should be able to turn off all driving aids without needing to pull fuses though.
You know if Trump gets impeached we get Pence right? Who may be worse depending on your priorities. Lindsay Graham had a good line that applies, “ being shot or poisoned.”
Likely oil prices. He’s repeatedly stated things along the lines of, “After (Insert latest ridiculous Mid-East event here) I was able to bring oil prices back down to lower than before”
I feel your pain. Working in school IT 12 months where the two hardest months are in the Summer and being surrounded by 10 monthers tends to make back to school even more fun.
This morning there was a new person, who knew I was the IT guy, but fell for: “Yeah they have me covering until the temp comes in. They had to let her go after we found out she checked her personal email on her work computer.”
The secretary who’s desk I was sitting at was walking in behind her so I saw her but she…