
Yeah, other owners I know have had similar results. One guy I met has 120k with 90k of it on APR stage 2. Once my drivetrain warranty is up it’ll get a tune.

My current gauge cluster :-/  Luckily still have time left in the drive train warranty. Love the car, but damn already had a clutch explode, and now an under boost CEL at 40k miles.

The article states electric lsd, which typically means it directs braking power to the slipping wheel. VW’s done it for the last few generations of GTI, and other manufacturers do too. Not comparable to a real lsd, but better than nothing. The VW GTI performance pack throws in a mech lsd, better brakes, bigger wheels,

They probably hadn’t notified the family at the time that statement was shared. Standard protocol to keep loved ones from hearing horrible news from the TV (Or twitter/whatever.)

Wow, a whole department actually uses .45 GAP? That Glock sales person deserves an award for getting someone to swallow that load of crap.

Ammunition in a fire isn’t very dangerous. There’s no sealed chamber to build up pressure so any cartridge out side of something with a lot of case capacity like .50 BMG, you can stand right next to one and you’ll be fine. The trunk of a car is about the best place for it, it’ll contain any hot brass and isn’t sealed

Manual transmission swaps are a thing for these, and aren’t too brutal.

Sounds like they finally caved to one very vocal engineer.
“Yes Hans, we’ve all heard of this amazing process you guys can do from the last 5,000 presentations you’ve insisted on showing us. If we make it a top selling point for this model will you please just shut up?”

Could be worse:

25th decade? He’s not 250 years old...yet.

Got one as a kid on Halloween, still have it. Its been oddly handy at least twice. Much more so than any pack of NECCO wafers.

Thats a bit of an insane hot take even for the idiots steering the ship currently. The slightly less nuts, but still crazy idea is that the industry which historically has produced significantly more than it currently does, would open and expand new production. Its an idea which has worked for other countries in the

They couldn’t make them quiet enough. The tactical cart is probably a better idea, been around since time immortal.

There have been programs with caseless, telescoping, and polymer cased ammo since the late 70s. Usually reducing weight by 20-ish% per round, depends on the specific type. So far nothing too great has come of them. Usually the issue is rounds cooking off while in battery and inability to expand enough to seal the

Chris Harrison? Wasn’t that one of the Beatles?

Retirees are the #1 shit stirrers. I’ve seen it amonst apartment building neighbors, at work in parks, and have a few friends in law enforcement who pushed it into the truism category. Take away a person’s reason for getting up everyday and they’ll find SOMETHING to do, probably just not something productive.  Shit

Damn near every politician has an absurdly fragile ego. Hell, half the time it seems to be why they got into politics in the first place.

Nope, very much a New England flag though the Tea Party did try to hijack it for a few years there. The image of the divided snake is similar looking and shows up in some pre-civil war era imagery, but was actually brought back out during re-unification after the war to try to get everyone back on the same “team” and

There’s only one flag involved in the war of Southern stupidity, or Northern Aggression probably for that nutter. The others are the Iowa state flag, and the Gadsden flag which is from the revolutionary war. As well as the Vatican flag which is about as out of place as the battleflag of Northern Va.

Which definitely isn’t used as an excuse to cover failed suicides...