
Jesus, how could you insult Sarah Jessica Parker like that? She's a woman!

nothing beats professor farnsworth and his chamber of understanding!

hillary is a a puppet of obama. obama clearly doesn't want to have his BB bricked when he makes diplomatic sight seeings off the burj.

@LoganR: i think i have the exact same case. it's the fucking tits, man.

@shooga: well, to be quite fair, you practically bought a desktop packaged with a monitor and a battery backup. not a laptop.

ew, gross, were those PIXELS i saw on the iphone? disgusting.

it's a weird issue. two friends of mine bought an iPhone 4 recently and none of them seem to be having any sort of issue. we really have to squeeze the phone to lose signal. coincidentally, i tried doing the same on the 3GS and experienced a signal loss after practically squeezing it at the bottom right corner.

the one reason i don't want an android phone is this. everything seems so fragmented with these updates. it's nice that they're trying to get newer features to these users, but exactly what users are getting them?

i read the e-mail address as "porno@gawker.tv."

i disagree with this bill, but i think people are giving too much of a fuss about this.

man, they really tore at&t apart.

@Destronok: this pretty much came in my mind the minute i read about the app. i assume the phone gets the angles using its accelerometer. it's actually quite simple, mathematicallly.

any picks on the winners? i just want to see the US actually win one. otherwise, i'm all for deutschland!

@Chris Pratt: there's a "google" in the headline? whaaaaaaaaaaa-? you're crazy.

i'm not sure you can blame google for this. it seems like the engineer was working by himself here.

@AreWeThereYeti: it's youtube which makes it easily accessible with an ipad.

this is quite disappointing. i was expecting a much faster processor and android 2.2

i can't take this article seriously with the word "goatse" repeated several times.

you know, apple may have also released the bumpers just to make some extra revenue. the ifixyouri's claims seem just about as legitimate as apples since they're both trying to sell something based on their results. we can at least wait for an independent analysis.