Rabbit Troop forever

K. Then maybe you could run back to the places where you are considered brave and tough. Here, you just seem kind of silly and embarrassing.
In the sense that I am embarrassed for you.

See, you've just outed yourself.
I'm on the side of clean air and water, and protection of the natural resources that make this country (and most importantly, this planet) beautiful/exceptional. I'm on the side of education for all American children, particularly those with special needs. I'm on the side of human

You do understand that that isn't considered a threat, or even a punishment to anyone around here…. right?

Yes, of course. Please understand that it's too fucking depressing for me to upvote.

(Never explain the joke)

Ohmygod, you're right!
That monster. I was just nearing the ability to hear the name Bob without cowering in terror!

Lulz. No, that was plenty! I'll grant you "Fast and Furious" though. That movie sucked!
(In case that was unclear, I know about fast and furious and I am mocking you because yes, it was a disgrace, but not for the reasons you think it was.

So kind of you to stop by. Would you like a spot of tea?

Counterpoint: actual snowflakes are beautiful and bring joy to many people, especially children.

"But in all other respects he rambled through 8 years, and allowed the USA to go backwards."
Backwards in what ways, specifically?

But he was my favorite on Punked! Surely, that would render him qualified to be president of the United States in 2020.

I can't wait until we no longer have to use the qualifier "transgender" to describe people.
I mean, I'll likely be dead long before that happens, but I take comfort in the idea that future generations (yes, I'm naïve/optimistic enough to believe there will be future generations) will not be so hung up on labels and

Low-priced sleazy kicks, you say?This one's free!
Pretend that heaven and hell are real and imagine the sort of afterlife that awaits Ailes, Paul Ryan, Chaffetz, Jeff Sessions, Steve Bannon, Pence, and of course, the king of the hateful imbeciles himself, 45.
I'm grinning ear to ear!

Oh, fuck off.

Only if you actually believe money buys happiness. He had shit-tons of power, but being an asshole to that degree is its own sort of punishment. He probably never knew a moment of real joy.

Know any rich people?
They are the absolute definitive proof that money does not buy happiness. All the money in the world can't bring happiness/contentment/joy if your soul is crawling with maggots.

*fully gives up on humanity, resumes weeping*

Hmph. Thanks for bringing me back down to reality, Vi!
Seriously, I can only maintain my frothing, sputtering rage at everyone else in its cabinet by conveniently forgetting about Pence.
Because fuck Pence with a blunt object

I love you, bahamut1987!

I should watch it again today!
(I'm sure my neighbors will appreciate it. After all, they might have gone 2-3 days without hearing it)