Rabbit Troop forever

"system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it"
What percentage of the House is occupied by women? How about the Senate? How many governors are women? Federal judges? District Attorneys, etc., etc.
How many female presidents have we had? Men write the laws, men pass

Sigh. No, actually you missed my point entirely and it didn't seem worth my time to explain it further. I knew you weren't talking about me, and I knew who you were talking about, and I thought it was silly for you to go on at length about it, when you could have addressed her directly. I don't care that you used my

You still here?

My Girl

No, no, no. He fled the gentrification.
After pioneering it.

I don't care how many people have already pointed this out, the man is an absolute treasure.
Whose very first word of an interview is, "Heavens!"???

First of all, there's nothing classier and more mature than speaking about a person, rather than responding to her directly, so thanks for modeling such adult behavior!
Second, you called someone "an obvious dullard" in one of your very first comments. (4th? 5th?) You probably tried your best, but are clearly

He may have failed at seeming reasonable and well informed, but he wins big- HUGE even, at projection.
(I don't usually talk about posters, rather than to them, but since he didn't respond to my comment, yet spoke about me to his lone defender, I made an exception.)

Presto Changeo, who, at best, created an account solely for the purpose of commenting on this article, is especially railed against?? Poor guy! He made 41 comments on this thread. Here's one:
"I don't need to play anything. You people are toddlers throwing a tantrum because I dared challenge your bullshit narrative. I

Nice try, but no one gets blocked for discussing opinions in a reasonable and rational manner.
And if you're suggesting that that's what the trolls actually came here to do, how is it that they failed so spectacularly?
Defend their comments or don't, but don't mock the people who refuse to engage with obvious trolls.

"Feminists are better than MRAs? Whoops, better ignore the literally thousands of them who abuse men and women for the slightest disagreement with their narratives."
Literally thousands of abusive feminists, huh. Link, please. 98% of the feminists I know are happily married.
"I don't care if you don't take this

As a child, my grandpa bought me a children's book subscription from Krochs and Brentano (sp?) I received a beautiful hardcover once a month. That's how I was introduced to Anne of Green Gables.
Now that I spend half my waking hours with a tablet, tv, or laptop in front of my eyes, I'm even more enchanted by the idea

I just showed up to make sure this point was already made.
Carry on, good sir or madam.

This is an excellent cause, but should we be concerned that Chris Evans' dog clearly wants to eat him?
I mean, I get it, but still.

Right. Enjoy your life as a humorless psychopath.

Well, it's not as cute as suggesting a stranger ought to be stabbed in the eye. Was that an attempt at a joke, or are you truly a fucking psychopath?

Oh, ffs

Bummer. He's always great.


I skip the last few minutes of Cabin in the Woods because the ending pisses me off.