Rabbit Troop forever

I don't like him- because he's an insufferable douchebag. But he's an insufferable douchebag in ways that are hilarious to me.
Remember when he thought Ray didn't like him because he puts off a "Pacific Northwest vibe"? Desi is the absolute worst, but he made me laugh every time he was onscreen.

I finally got to see this episode last night (fuck you, Comcast) and I just loved it. I bawled at the end when Marnie climbed into bed with Hannah.
As for the panic in the water, to me she looked like she just couldn't identify a reason to get out. She didn't show the survival instinct that propels a person up to the

One more reason to love The National!

It is, well, yes, a yuppie/hippie place, but the venue is beautiful and fun!

It most certainly does not!
Seriously, Ravinia is beautiful.

"DC: Yup, Obi-Wan. Alec Guinness classed up that movie. Nobody else in that movie knew how to act. Nobody else had a clue of what they were doing. The young guy was a complete loss, absolutely couldn’t act his way out of a bag,"
The man is a true national treasure.

Absolutely anything.
On *mute*

The NY Times sent me one of those little cardboard guys. I had no idea what it was for so I've been using it as an objet d'art.

Okay, fine, it is customary for First Ladies to attend the funerals of other First Ladies, and not the president.
But I prefer to think that Obama is skipping this funeral because the Reagans were terrible, terrible people.
And I love him for it!

Come on, man, did you hear how she pronounced Ecuador?

It was Jaime telling her that they'd get everything back that made me question whether I was supposed to be rooting for them.

The trailer reminded me that I don't give a shit about any of these characters anymore. At this point, I'm only in it for the White Walker King and his cohorts.
Seriously, though, Cersei? I'm supposed to be rooting for her now? 'Cause she had gross stuff flung on her naked body? Did she stop being a hateful vicious

I hate Willow.
There, I said it.

I'm going to pretend (also hope) it's satirical!

I vote "hilarious".
Mostly because it snowed last night and it looks beautiful and I don't have to go anywhere today, so life is great.

That review actually made me more interested in seeing this movie.
Now I have to know whether or not he's right!

I love her for her work in other movies, but agree 100% about those two. Blech

Do the Right Thing remains one of my favorite movies, but as a woman from Chicago, I actually feel like telling both Spike Lee and John Cusack (whom I generally love) to fuck off.
This is not a good year to remind me how many of this country's problems have been blamed on men having too much or too little access to

Do American parents want their children to be afraid/fearful, or do they want their children to be desensitized to violence- so they won't waste any energy worrying about the lives of people who are different?
Do they think that without ever seeing sexy images, children will no longer grow up to be interested in sex?

"but a lot of that can be offset with safety, common sense, and education"