
AMP has also shut down/unpublished their facebook page, only to have an enterprising user put up a parody page. It is glorious:

Read articles? Who does that? I see the title and go straight to the comments to put out my opinions.

“So they arrested, booked & charged this black woman faster than any white man that did the same thing”

I don’t think understanding is the issue, it’s simply that you and the OP have chosen an odd hill to die on. We can talk until we’re blue in the face about the evils in law enforcement around the country. But the cirmcumstances of every crime aren’t apples to apples, and to suggest otherwise is either incredibly naive

Go fuck youtself and your whataboutisms.

You got video of a violent assault where the perpetrator attacks a random stranger in the street in broad daylight and wasn’t charged? If not, no one needs your whataboutism

He did put it in the subheadings. And who the fuck are you to be so demanding? Get over it, loser.

I love the fact that it’s 2018 and we’re still jumping bikes over shit like its the 70s.

Agree, completely, and I think the example (another race car) is really what it comes down to.

It’s suede, you uncouth peasant.

I mean, he joked about offering rewards for killing federal agents. This is not a police state run amok. Like, yeah there’s a lot of nuance here and yeah Alex Jones is an idiot and all that stuff, but this is a pretty clear example of a guy playing a stupid game and (predictably) winning a stupid prize.

Probably not to far from the truth. I am guessing that whatever cyber unit DHS operates in the DMV area has some kind of automated software that scans social media looking for key words and phrases. They picked up this tweet and DHS HQ sent a request to the local office to check it out. The four guys selected to go

If you’re gonna publicly joke about killing law enforcement officials, you should probably make sure the joke is actually funny instead of lazy and sorta racist. At least that way, your justified visit from law enforcement will have been worth it (kinda).

Dumb ass. Joking about killing people, especially federal agents, is the fastest way to put yourself under federal investigation. Besides, it isn’t funny. There are people who are borderline and need very little to set them off.

His conversation with the agents comes across as ridiculously coherent, given that he was just woken up and hungover. I’d be all “Huh? I make funnies. Why u mad?”

Sounds like you’re the guy who causes traffic jams for unnecessary braking. There is such thing as being overly defensive. Sorry about your lack of driving skill.

And if you tell me that you manage to get anywhere in the Bay Area in a car following at stopping distance, I’d suspect you were lying.

Because people will merge in to that gap, or lane change in to it after passing. So either you aren’t keep a 240 foot gap, or you’re slowing down to remake that gap.

Try to keeping that sort of distance between yourself and the next car in front of you here in NJ, you will have to continually slow down as more and more people fill that space. Eventually you will be stopped.

If you have to have the company that made the car you own activate the car so you can drive it, you don’t really own the car.