Only God Shammgod Can Judge Me

Okay, so I’m going to take it straight to race.

I’m a filmmaker in my real life and without going into too much detail I did a film that explores a lot of racial subjects/theories.

I bet most people (including maybe me?) couldn’t name 15 elements. They know the earth is a three-dimensional spherical object tho.

Going to turn this on its head and propose that Irving is angling for a pay raise because someone will be so exasperated with his ignorance that they’ll think he needs even more millions to buy himself one of those paid space shuttle missions.

Seriously, what exactly do flat earthers think is the reason for the deception here? OK, so you think this is a facade to get you to believe that the earth is round when it isn’t. Why!?! Why would someone want you to believe that?

He does make a good point: it sure is awfully convenient that it takes 24 hours for the Earth to rotate, and a year to orbit the Sun.

yeah, because they don’t cover “the earth is round” until your 4th year at Duke.

Somewhere, Carl Everett is smiling, believing he’s found a kindred spirit in the sports world. However, Irving does believe that dinosaurs are real, having played against Chris Bosh.

Yeah, it generally means he said something like “I’m gonna beat the shit out of you!” and not necessarily “I’m going to blow up a building to defeat you American pig-dogs!”

A normal threat is to claim that you will cause them bodily harm. The terroristic part is how it makes the other person feel when you threaten them

another man arrived to assist Revis.

From one island to another, Rikers formally welcomes Mr. Revis

Reeeeaally looks like the ref watches the ball and when he sees it’s not going in, blows the whistle.

Did you get to keep all fifty bucks, or did you have to spend some on Officially Licensed Apparel?

Taft was down to 244 pounds towards the end of his life, thanks to serious life changes and a walking regimen; the bridge over Rock Creek that was part of his favorite walk was later renamed the Taft Bridge.

Well, now, hold on. Did he go to school in the south? They teach you it’s okay to touch cousins like that.

Someone forgot his binder marked ‘PREPARATION’

You forgot to tell me how I should feel about this. I think I’ll stick with “overwhelmingly sad.”

Its like if your father hands you a box labeled “Nudes of Mom”. I know to not open that box. I don’t need anybody to tell me to not open that box.

*severely fucks up the part of my body my living is dependent on with a toy for children* im the most scientific mothrefucker out here libs

I was there when some guy in a turban farted audibly on the metro. Did the media cover this indiscriminate biological attack in a major urban center? Where was MSNBC then?