
How about not make false claims like pretending simple information about your products is a “trade secret”?

If you’re getting a call from a lawyer in a foreign house you’re otherwise unaffiliated with, that lawyer is able to track you down. How many above board ways of doing that are there?

Oh, please. Sorry your 90-minute commercial got spoiled.

I can not belive that gamers reaction to this is “leakers are ruining out very expensive prepakaged event where marketing overhypes us for products.

I agree with OP that it’s depressing, and that’s because it strikes me as underhanded, Trump-like tactics Nintendo is engaging in here, and that makes me think less of them.

Yeah, a “trade secret” is not something that you’re about to announce publicly yourself in a few days.

Not having a Ni No Kuni remaster on Switch seems like a missed opportunity

We can’t all be happy slapping down $60 for a 6 hour Theme Park FPS with a super deep story hatched from that time Ken Levine had to write a book report on Atlas Shrugged but got high instead.