Loathsome creatures. Sons of the Confederacy. Sons of traitors, sons of bitches.
Loathsome creatures. Sons of the Confederacy. Sons of traitors, sons of bitches.
Rookie Mistake.
If we lived in a sane world dealerships would not be allowed to sell financing. It’s a conflict of interest as the best interests of the finance company, the auto manufacturers and the customers are not aligned.
Now this is right up my alley! I love these old “specials”. I bet it feels like you are on the head of a missile even if it is dog slow by modern standards. Which is perfect. Better to feel fast than to be fast, IMHO.
25mph = 40km/h. That’s fast enough that when my wife and kids were t-boned by a distracted driver (“just holding onto” their cell phone), the impact crushed the side of her minivan. Our daughter (then 6-years-old) was sitting dead centre in the van. If she had been sitting middle row, passenger side, she would’ve been…
Funny how police departments can suddenly find all kinds of reasons to fire a cop who enforces the law on rich folks.
Seems wild that he’s earned the nickname “SAG Harbor Nazi” but the worst examples we’ve seen are a ticket for a u-turn and driving with a cell phone.
Suspect that in most cities and towns if the police consistently enforced the letter of the law for traffic offenses most folks would be astounded and pissed.
See, he hasn’t learned yet that the job of the cops is to enforce the law for the Rich not against them. He hasn’t learned how to be a happy little stormtrooper yet. He’ll be fired soon enough if he doesn’t though.
Something tells me Spencer has also used the words ‘should have complied with police’ when reacting to yet another unarmed person being shot.
If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...
Bro, you have the actual statement in what you commented lol. The dealership told him it was only driven into and out of the bay. Fucking everyone knows you need to test drive it after a top end rebuild like that, that’s not the issue. It’s what they said, which is just a total lie. If you have to drive it 8 miles…
I read it as a bit of an excuse of how they couldn’t have damaged the wheel, but clearly they weren’t being truthful about either so it all lines up in the end.
Oh you can bet that if there are that many problems on the surface that there are some awesome easter egg problems hiding deeper in that repair.
I think the issue is that they said one thing, it didn’t get driven, when it was clearly a lie. I’d be pretty pissed off too. If they were like, yes we had to test the engine and drove it a bit, I’d be much less likely to argue about the 8 miles. Though 8 miles does seem a bit more than what’s needed.
Seriously, even if they didn’t lose a drop of oil tearing apart the engine IT CAME IN BECAUSE OF AN OIL LEAK. What service department wouldn’t top off the oil in that case? Look, people try to get shit like curbed wheels repaired all the time for free so I understand part of the dealer getting defensive, but the oil…
I could agree about the 8 mile test drive for a rebuild - but the bigger concern is they test drove it knowing it was low on oil. A quart and a half might not be terrible, but it’s not good. Seems like that’s operating outside manufacturer specs which would make the entire rebuild suspect in my book. What else did…
Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all…
I, for one, am amazed this wasn’t Florida.