Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

As someone who works at a dealership, you are super wrong.

Nobody overrode any safety features, a Tesla engineer plainly stated that the trunk is designed to shut harder if it detects an obstruction.  The idea is that if you overstuffed the trunk, it’ll smush it down until it can latch.


The coolant thing was a screw-up by one employee, quickly dealt with by the company

Imagine having as much wealth as any of these people and choosing to spend your time engaging in juvenile pissing matches on the fucking internet.

I’ve now seen two in the wild, one parked and one driving. I can assure you that no matter how dumb you think they look in pictures, that is nothing  compared to how dumb they look in person.

What “science” have you done in the past 5 years?

Can we point and laugh at Tesla Cybertruck buyers yet or are we still in the pity phase?

Who isn’t he fighting with or pissing off these days?

I like the idea that there could someday be “Nibble Zero” and the orcas figure out what tasty snacks they’ve been ignoring and we can trace it back to someone.

I, for one, am amazed this wasn’t Florida.

Hay, guys. Guys. The humans do food delivery services now!?

Fortunately for people, there are no recorded orca attacks in the wild, just the ones in captivity. Orcas have very consistent diets and habits that get passed down generationally in the pod and it appears no pod has ever cared about humans (yet). That intelligence, specific diet, and likely rare interactions with

I grow peppers in my yard and arrived at a similar solution to rampant theft. Most my plants are in a bed near the road to get the best light. Every year, hobos come and mangle my plants while stealing the peppers. I don’t mind someone who’s hungry grabbing a pepper to eat. But they’re tearing out whole branches, even

Yes, you absolutely are warned about the exit row requirements and limitations at booking. If the seat is assigned at the airport, the agent will also make sure that you acknowledge that. And even once you have the boarding pass and are boarding the airplane, when they scan the pass it is flagged and you have to

I can’t speak for every airline, but I fly a lot and when I’ve chosen exit row on websites, apps and airport check in kiosks, I’ve always had to click an acknowledgment of my responsibilities and ability to carry them out. They also ask when I scan my boarding pass at the gate. All of that happens before I sit down

Like, just…don’t be a dick, man. Is that so hard? Goddammit. 

As she was unwilling to help others off of the plane, others decided to help her off the plane.

Seems like maybe another thing to do is crack down on facilities that purchase scrap metal without asking questions.

Just switch it to 480v swap the neutral and hot, should stop theft