Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Oh yes, I always wonder about this too because we have laws against dark tint and such. I think the Police have to reasons they don’t pull him over: 1. They just don’t want the aggravation of dealing with “my first amendment is being violated” or some other misguided use of the Constitution two argue about them being

hell yeah!!! F! Joe Biden !! ammaright?! ----- Morons...  Oh and when he parades this one man clown show, everyone has to slow down around him because he’s so distracting!

I imagine he’s just one long run on bitch fest. BTW, he has a Humvee equally festooned and a Porsche Boxster also duly decked out.  He is apparently a lawyer.

I’ll bet that fuckwad bitches endlessly about gas prices too, while getting 10mpg because he stuck a bunch of sails on his Jeep. 

Weird, because these types of people are usually absurdly vocal about being ‘Murican.

‘Close the borders!’

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is literally the definition of a snowflake no matter what side you are on... His fee fees are hurt and he wants justice. 

The whole “Lets go Brandon” thing is so fucking played out they have nothing left. The fact its a reference to a football game years ago is more telling that they really have nothing else to go off of because they have not a brain cell to come up with anything minus that one “mistake” the announcer had. Its really sad

Agreed. Bad take on Jalopnik’s part to suggest that the ATV driver running through a bunch of cyclists and pedestrians was the more desirable outcome than hitting a stopped police car. This isn’t exactly the trolley problem, because one of the outcomes is measurably worse than the other.

I am failing to see how the cop did not do *exactly* the right thing here. If moron was going too fast to stop in time to not hit a very plainly visible cop car, he was going too fast to not hit a pedestrian. Not like he came around a blind corner and there was the cop.

Two parties in the wrong you say?

A lot of ATV and dirt bikers illegally ride on hiking/biking singletrack trails in my area. And I hope every single one of these bastards suffer the same fate, whether it’s caused by cops or not.

Play stupid games, win big prizes. I have zero sympathy for the ATV - they brought this upon themselves.

If you were going too fast to avoid a stopped car, you were going too fast to avoid a pedestrian. I’m good with this one.

I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.

When the EU orders Apple to do something, they fight it every step of the way. When Apple’s daddy orders something, Apple bends the knee.

Maybe someone should start another website called, oh I don’t know, teslashareholdersarentallnazis.com encouraging shareholders to join together and remove the muskrat from the company. Saving $55B, and potentially turning around the company all in one fell swoop.

So when the request is for the internet to be normal about this casting, I guess your response is a resounding “NO.”

Your comment is a “Male Dork Virgin” BINGO.