Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy
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Introduce? It was *strongly* implied that the xenomorph violated Lambert in the original.

I think that (space)ship has sailed — there have been things forcibly inserted into orifices and unwilling participation in a reproductive cycle since the first Alien movie.

This is a gigantic nothingburger. Even if the protected cap came off, you’d have to try really hard to ingest the lead. Move along, nothing to see here. 

Good ol’ clickbait - can’t keep the lights on without clicks, and I’d imagine after losing Deadspin they’re income isn’t what it used to be.

The lead is in an inaccessible location for a functioning cup.  Should the lead become accessible, it means the cup is broken and cannot be used.  There’s zero percent chance of ingesting Pb with this product, but such a conclusion won’t get the same clickybait headline.

if people touch the lead pellet inside their cups and then touch food, they could expose themselves to lead.”

Those people are silly. They are in no way exposed to lead. Even if the cap did come off, put it back on or just contact stanley. And even if one touches the pellet, there is no absorption. Lead does not get absorbed through the skin.

of all the non issues

police “have no jurisdiction over” Mercado, and arguing that “she is not a United States citizen.”

Eh... why go to a theater and spend $20 when I can wait 8 months and watch it happening live on TV and my front window?

>builds vehicle that appeals solely to attention-starved narcissists

It’s all pretty wild. Billions of reasons to keep getting defense contracts. Billions of reasons to keep selling airplanes.

Sounds pretty unAmerican to this patriot. How are the management and investor class supposed wring more profit out of the people? If they can increase productivity on a 4 day week that just means they aren’t working hard enough on the 5 day week. They’re leaving a lot of money (for our shareholders and C-suite) on the

>> But hey, let’s not let facts and case studies cloud our thoughts on the subject.

They also want to classify ANYTHING that acknowledges the existence of LGBTQ+ people as porn, so they can ban that next.

Well, yes, that’s why all this abortion and LGBTQ crackdown crap is a slippery slope. Once they ban that, will people like this be happy? No, they’ll look for something else to ban.

It goes way deeper than religion. This is more or less them laying the foundation for something they want to use to identify undesirables.. Today it’s porn, tomorrow it could be because you shopped at the wrong place, or liked the wrong thing on Facebook.

Man, whodathunk electing religious nutjobs would have consequences?!