Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

You know the expression “a broken clock is right twice a day”? There were thousands of different unfounded “theories” about covid 19, many of which mutually exclusive. Even if one of the many theories ends up plausible, that doesn’t make believing in conspiracy theories any more justified.

Today, the “lab leak” hypothesis seems increasingly likely.

This hoax virus that doesn’t exist was started by China as a deadly attack on Americans and it’s a mild cold.

Came here to say basically this. Twitter “views” and “actually watched part or all of the video” are not 1:1 by any stretch.

The slideshow ignores the very same issue that is being missed on Twitter: That view count includes autoplays from people who say the tweet, but didn’t actually click on or watch the video. 

Worth noting that Twitter is counting impressions as views, so every time it puts the Tweet containing the video on a screen, they’re counting it as a “view” even if the person scrolled right past.

real talk. i wouldn’t be all that surprised if we learned one day that most of the tech elite (ie Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk) and many billionaires are not entirely human and that we are not at the top of the food chain like we thought. 

There’s no way it would have stayed buried for decades if there was anything to it.

You can’t discount it because you don’t believe it. We now the government is a deep black hole and it’s quite easy to hide things for decades.

Real-life “What If?” on Shiv actually becoming Matsson’s CEO.

Still amazed that that shitshow of a company is still even running at all after all the chaos going on over there.

It’s the way Stusek then doxed me (a crime) for asking for a public apology in response to a public attack! She’s shown her true colors!

“We’re a court,” Justice Elena Kagan said. We really don’t know about these sorts of things.”

Gutting section 230 is so transparently a bad idea that even this SCOTUS doesn’t want to be the one to do it.

“I think we can focus on more deadly things”


Looks like VPN’s are about to get a lot more popular in Utah.

I think there are valid arguments to be made about the impact on viewers who frequently view extremely violent or otherwise questionable (consensual non consent, etc.) material.

It will be interesting to see if it backfires in the U.Leg. There’s things you don’t screw with in people’s lives if you want to keep your seat politically. Their beer and alcohol are two of them if you want to remember prohibition.

Waiting for a site in Utah to be compromised and see a list of all the hypocritical people who signed up