Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Finally a reason for stand your ground laws

“No one is above an ass whuppin’”

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.

Just keep posting this instead, it’s easier.

I heard the 2020 vintage was a good year. 2023 is looking good too!

... i’ll just leave this here

Oh he’s way more stupid than you’re giving him credit for.

Ah the sweet sweet smell of conservative snowflake tears

You don’t know about it because it doesn’t concern your business. A towing company can be reasonably assumed to be on top of laws concerning towing.

Modern Main Battle tanks have more armor and can only carry the crew. 

The only one that should have “interviewed” her would be Jon Stewart. He will call them out on their bullshit.

Seriously underrated post. This is not about “unchecked corporate power,” it simply maintains a land-use scheme that has been in place for over 50 years and has worked well for both sides — Disney and the public alike — for that entire time. This just means the wife of the state party chair, and a pastor who thinks

Nah, it's in North Haverbrook

The reality of the Reedy Creek Improvement District was that it gave Disney the rights to avoid the permitting process for renovations and new construction, avoid having to bid out projects to justify costs, and they retained the local portion of sales, property, and hotel occupancy taxes, which were almost entirely

DeSantis is stupid enough to kill the golden goose, but the goose outsmarted him. Not a fan of Disney’s practices, and almost unchecked power, but Ron is doing stupid stunts to emulate Don and that is a problem. Banning books, classes, medicine, trying to coerce businesses. Bumbling authoritarian shit.

DeSantis: “In your face Disney! You can’t stop my audacious takeover!

I hardly see them taking even greater control of a very large section of land as a win.

George Bush appointed Alito and Roberts, and his dad appointed Thomas, so I wouldn't exactly say his hands are clean. 

1. This is the goverment running a private business’ land for them.

2. They were talking about ‘changing the programming’ that disney aired. So they thought they were getting 100% control of the company.

3. They already had that control for decades, they were being punished for speaking against a discriminatory law.

Michelle Obama and George Bush didn’t strip the U.S. of Roe v Wade or hundreds of thousands of live due to covid, or anything else that’s the direct result of that orange fuckwit. So yes, that’s my mentality. And go fuck yourself.