Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

“probably one of the most successful items in the Tesla Shop.”

“We do not remove or promote content at the behest of the Chinese governmentseems to me to be a pretty straight-up dodge of whether TikTok hands over data to the Chinese government. It answers the second half of the question (removing content), but not the first.

There was no good reason to buy it new. There’s even less reason to pay nearly $10,000 for it now.

Will the employees who are residents of Snailbrook be paid in digital scrip only useable at Gapped Bass company stores?

From a legal standpoint one is always presumed innocent.  I am loathe to engage in judging people in the court of public opinion.  I used to be a practicing litigator.  Prosecutors and Plaintiff’s counsels, heck defense counsels too, have a away of making claims against or for their clients/defendents look better or

A shitbag asshole ruling with an iron thumb, proclaiming himself the best thing since sliced bread and having sycophants lining up to use their tongues as toilet paper, and having a higher than usual numbers of ‘whoopsie daisies’ accidental falling off tall objects of political enemies or hell anyone that even breaks

I suspect releasing these videos are not in the hope that Russia will respond with a “Ok, maybe we were aggressive” response but instead making it more difficult for countries like India, China, South Africa, etc to publicly defend their actions. 

Native Texan and owner of a small oil and gas company. Don’t believe a single word from the right that renewable energy takes jobs away from oil and gas. The two are highly interchangeable. I have 25 employees that work for me in Ozona, TX where my wells are. Just west of there is where all of the windmills in Texas

Texas and Florida sound like truly f*cked up places to live with dirt dumb leadership at the helm. 

one that would limit new renewable energy facilities being built based on how much natural gas facilities are also being built”

Don’t forget preventing the murder of yet to be conceived babies.

Tesla must be so happy about the costs of moving their HQ to Texas then realizing how much they hate EV’s.  Then spending more money to move back to California.

I think everyone can agree that the free market works best when it is rigged in your favor.

Unpossible. The GOP stands for the free market and small government....I think....hold on. Yep, no burdensome regulations or government influence in today’s Republica....uh, pause. [checks red states’ current priorities].

It’s worth dying due to the shoddy power grid being down for 9 days as long as gays on the other side of the country can’t get married.

Now playing

The Hellcat Durango will be a single model year run. When we turn the order books over to the ’22 model year, the Durango Hellcat will be gone. So you’ve only have one shot”

This post leaves the important bits out. From a Dodge press release:

Right? I feel like I’m missing something, but maybe it actually is just spoiled ass rich people.

I rarely side with automakers or dealers, but damn these owners suck and just need to deal with it. This is literally how every consumer product works. Unless there was a contract or documentation stating these would never be made again... too fucking bad? This is what you get for overpaying for stupid vehicles.