Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

wtf? What’s wrong with you? 

Reading Musk’s response, I have to wonder how he’s not in for a massive lawsuit.

Ive told multiple recruiters from Tesla, offering very enticing salaries, to fuck off in the recent months. The pay is great, Austin is cool(for Texas), and I would continue to avoid a state tax. But, fuck working for Musk. I don’t care about potential safety by proximity, that dude is a insecure man-baby throwing

Why would anyone want to work for this guy?

And there are still dudebros lining up on twitter to praise Elon. What the fuck is wrong with people?

This is the kind of thing where you see it in a movie or TV show and roll your eyes because they’re going so over the top to paint the bad guy as evil because they think the audience is too stupid to pick up on it. And yet... here we are.

y’all remember ear candles? Pepperidge farm remembers.

I swear vehicles all kitted up like that are multiplying like a virus, and all the dudes driving them act like smug douchebags.

They do, on the highway.

No, he obviously needed a steel bumper in the back.

woulda never happened if he’d just sprung for the optional Thule rooftop cargo-box with optional side-mounted canoe rack. - this is the kinda shit that can happen when you half-ass it.

I just can’t believe that the kick-ass bush bars and awesome light bar on that Land Rover didn’t keep him safe in the snow. Who could have predicted this epic fail in such an awesomely manly vehicle?

I’ve always watched shows like this and thought “well, someone doesn’t mow their own yard.” Because every spring, it’s the same thing.

LOL, you have no clue. You ignore what I write and put words into my mouth. I have no problem with Cathy practicing his religion, any way he wants, right up to the moment where he tries to strip other people of their rights. If you think that objecting to someone’s attempt to strip others of their rights makes me a

You clearly have a problem with reading comprehension. At no point have I tried to control other people’s freedom of religion.

I have enormous respect for Truett Cathy’s decision to forgo the profits that would come with opening on Sunday. I have no respect whatsoever for his funding of organizations that are trying to strip people of their civil rights.

Turn on your monitor

Oh, you poor persecuted white male. Who’s stopping you from going to church?

Ah yes, the christian fast food chain that donates to anti-lgbt causes has gone woke because vegetables

“Guests told us they wanted to add more vegetables into their diets...”