Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Asperger’s is not recognized by the DSM5 since 2013 and is instead considered a form of autism.

I don’t mean to make this suggestion lightly, but is Elon bipolar?

Let's be honest, if Musk brings Twitter down in flames then humanity will be better off.

I don’t mean to make this suggestion lightly, but is Elon bipolar?

Likely that, or just a sociopath. He’s admitted having Asperger’s, and that can have impacts on a persons ability to relate to others socially... but it’s just as likely that he’s a power drunk nerd that has become a raging asshole and high on his own image of being “funny”

“Suspending the Twitter account of a major news organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate.

I don’t understand the comparisons of app store downloads between Twitter and Truth. How the hell do you compare growth of a company that’s been around since 2006 and a company just starting now? Fucking of course Truth has more downloads, it’s new. Not to mention comparing Daily Active Users as opposed to new

I don’t mean to make this suggestion lightly, but is Elon bipolar? Because the guy vacillates between “I want to blow $50 billion buying Twitter” and “Actually, Twitter is a giant waste of my time and I don’t want it” about 20 times per day.

Red Bull sponsors the Russian Army?

Musk is certainly capable of ruining the brand - that depends on how much of a hands-on owner he turns out to be.

In addition, the other slippery slope here is that accepting something as seemingly innocuous as this “non-issue” sets a precedent that a similarly worded, but broader legislation would actually be more likely to passed in the future. This is not an attempt to “save” children from age inappropriate discussions, this

Parents should have the right to raise their kids as they see fit

Does no one understand what this bill is trying to stop?

LOL nope, this law is much more general than that and could resrict kids from acknowledging their homosexual parents. Or even heterosexual parents! Also, most kids should be familiar with the body and sex by age 8. The US is weirdly obsessed with sex and gender. Catch up to the rest of the world and stop harming

But Bugs also liked guns, so they’re confused about him.

Replace Bugs with Mickey.

Except that it’s illegal for the government to retaliate against an individual or corporation for taking a political stance.

Honestly, if Disney just shut down the park for a month, Florida would be on their knees begging for them to open back up.

I have been thinking about this for some time.