Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Not saying it wasn't catastrophic. Just that blaming one side or the other is entirely unproductive. My point is make the best of the situation and at least make some attempt at not being exactly as prejudiced as those one chooses to deride.

Personally I’m one of those few freaks that genuinely believes in voting for whomever will do the best job at protecting all of our rights regardless of party.

You mean the vast majority of them that resigned themselves to four years of a jack wagon claiming to represent them and now a different jack wagon just as incapable of appropriately representing anyone. Let’s face it we’ve had sixteen years of shit sandwiches and we’re looking at four more. Fire them all, both sides,

FCA is gonna be soooo pissed when the Bronco can do a full barrel roll.

Yeah, so maybe don’t encourage an already reckless person to run in the most dangerous way possible by making him even more desperate than he was before and pumping him full of adrenaline? Use your fucking head.

You may be unaware that the Phoenix PD has a reputation for over reacting and unprofessionalism. Unless you’ve seen a video proving their claims on how this started and red light running, they should be taken with a grain of salt,

But how will cops get their “hero” thrill-on if we stop car chases and used helicopters and tracer tags?

They did already. That was the whole point of the original story.

In all cases cited, the car was bought with the understanding it had the features currently on and available on the car. Removal came post-purchase.

Slight difference between modifying your car for performance and modifying it to intentionally pollute. Like the difference between an athlete wearing tight spandex to run faster and a guy flashing kids in a trenchcoat. In both examples, my child self becomes a bit more familiar with the shape of adult male genitalia,

Don’t be such a bitch about it.

What you might be missing is that these clowns are in Utah where, due to our geography, we regularly have the most polluted air in the nation. Because of the winter inversions along the Wasatch front we have dozens of winter days where kids can’t play outside as the air is classified as dangerous to breathe. It’s not

Should I have to pay a hefty fine

christ what a man baby

Annnnd...we know who’s voting for Trump come November.


“any tune or exhaust will cause a vehicle to exceed legal emissions limits”

Not sure what state you live in but here in California you can only install modifications to pollution controlled vehicles if they don’t cause it to exceed legal emissions limits, it’s much more complex than that and incredibly strict. In spite

But tuning it for the specific intent of making it pollute more is just egregious.  

That 1% is roughly equal to the vehicles that regularly use all 4-5 seatbelts or sports coupes that find themselves on the track. We should all ONLY buy what we’ll fully use, right? Sell the furniture you rarely use. How many dishes do you have that rarely leave the cabinet? Wasteful excess. Do you use more than a