Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Elon Musk: I’m an expert in everything!

I mean, these things hunt and kill Great White sharks for their tasty livers for gods sake! This man would be nothing but a light snack for an Orca if it decided it was hungry enough.

There needs to be a blanket “no fly” list that covers all airlines. FAAFO on one airline, immediately get a lifetime no fly ban on ALL airlines. No three strikes, no “but it only happened once” shit, just SMACK! Lifetime ban. Once these dumbasses get immediately lifetime banned from ever flying again, maybe the future

Ok, as a grown adult who has had children and now grandchildren, I’ve had to watch my share of kids programming, most of it as an adult was mostly annoying. But I gotta admit, I started watching this when my grandkids came around and it really grew on me. So much so I catch myself watching episodes on my own. The wife

Also, don’t most states have laws about obstructing the view of all windows (front, side and rear)? I’m surprised this moron is allowed to drive with all that obstructing his rear window.

Owning the Libs! And doing it while getting 5MPG.

Awwww, poor Jeffrey Wonser. Please sir, show us on this Trump doll where the bad Bureau Of Motor Vehicles inappropriately touched you and made you feel bad.

Yeah, sorry, but no real sympathy for this ATV driver. He could have killed someone and the cop did what he had to to protect pedestrians. We have this same problem where I live, gangs of ATV and dirt bikes riders doing stupid stunts down main arteries of vehicle travel and if you even honk at them to move they pull


Technically it’s not banned. Bytedance just didn’t want to make two versions of TikTok (one for Chinese users and one for the rest of the world) so they made the Douyin app for Chinese users which is a totally separate app but is basically a TikTok clone. To me, I don’t see the difference between making two separate

I whole heartedly urge all conspiracy theorists, flat earthers and science deniers to follow their own “truths” and stare at the solar eclipse.

Julie Garner was the best thing about Ozark.

This is also what I really liked about Atomic Blonde with Charlize Theron. She pretty much gets her ass kicked throughout the whole movie. Unlike the movie Salt, where a waifish Jolie barely gets a scratch.

I mean I get what he’s saying. They aren’t traditional fire extinguishers, and this is not the only company I’ve seen that makes these. I don’t think they’re supposed to be replacement for traditional fire extinguishers, but rather additional support. Especially in key points where fires could start and if no one’s

Yeah, my 2017 Ram 15oo states in the manual, regular or mid-grade. I only use regular because mid-grade is a rip off.

If it was homicide, It may not even have been Boeing. They’re a huge company who work with a lot of third party companies and vendors. It could very well be some third party involved in the mix somewhere that if the Government keeps digging would end up with a bunch of then facing jail time.

Yeah she knew him, and she went all prison shank on the other guys ass.

This made my day! Take your star my good man!

Britain also undertook a years long study where they got volunteer companies to move to a 4 day work week and after all was said and done they found worker morale had greatly increased which also greatly increased productivity. So much so that a large portion of the volunteer companies decided to stick with the 4 day