Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy


And then there’s the whistleblower who was supposed to testify recently against Boeing was found dead with a “self inflicted gunshot”.

Yeah. I mean not to defend Google, but they were not Google employees, they were Cognizant employees contracted out to Google. I’ve worked IT contracts before when I first moved to new state to get a foothold. Sometimes it’s a straight contracted time period (like 12 months) and others it can be a contract to hire

Yeap, I grew up in rural Illinois and we had a lot of train crossings like this and we were always taught when learning to drive to stop and check up and down the tracks to make sure a train wasn’t approaching before proceeding through.

I’m all for unionizing for better pay, working conditions, etc. But this article is bullshit in that it is very one sided and not objective at all. How about you list all the positives the FAs have under Delta at the moment. They get yearly raises and profit sharing every year, they just received their profit sharing

Again, all stainless steel will rust given the right circumstances.


Hint: All stainless steel will rust given the right circumstances.

The Terminator : In three years, Cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with Cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The Skynet Funding Bill is passed. The system goes online August 4th,

Sad, I used to like her...not so much anymore.

Steve Jobs, before he died, even had a way around that. It used to be (I believe Cali have now changed the law) legal in California to not register your vehicle for 6 months if you were leasing it. Jobs would just lease a new vehicle every six months. So his vehicles never had license plates.

Fuck these rich billionaire types trying to intimidate some kid just because they have the money to do so. He’s not doing anything illegal and with information that is already publicly available. It comes with the territory of being rich and world famous, just fucking deal with it.

Well, Tom Cotton is a grade A douchebag, so that would be giving him too much credit that he could see beyond the man being “oriental” and grouping all Asians in with being associated with China and the CCP just because they’re Asian.

Yeah, but you’re overlooking a major difference in your comparison of those companies. Apple/Tesla are American based companies whereas Tiktok is Chinese based. Sure Apple and Tesla executives have to interact with the Chinese government, but when you are the CEO of a Chinese company, I’m pretty sure the interaction

That’s what I was coming to post. Once they forged signatures and stole fuel time to call and get the States Attorney’s office involved.

You can tell the articulation sucks just watching the GIF of it trying to get up that minor incline. 

As for stock ownership itself being enough motivation, Fidelity and other own similar stakes to me. Why don’t they show up for work?”

It’s nice seeing a resurgence of the Kaiju mosnter movies. As a kid, I used to love watching all the old ones from back in the 60's and 70's.

I seriously doubt it. The one thing overlooked in all this is the DANGER TO INNOCENT BYSTANDERS. The cops have his license plate number (even expired can still be looked up), description, let him go and pick him up later, tack on the extra charges and send him back to jail.

Nah, he wasn’t suggesting that to anyone, what he was suggesting is that they all stop watching Disney+ and start having more babies. Cause the world is so underpopulated, gotta keep popping those babies out.