Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Take your fucking star!

Take you damn star and go home.

Yeap, I lived in AZ for a long time and it’s open carry there. I never carried a firearm on my hip but I did keep one in a holster in my center console. Whenever I was pulled over the very first thing out of my mouth was “I have a firearm in my center console, I am going to slowly retrieve it and hand it to you while

Wow! Just wow! I mean, I have no words other than this piece of shit needs to not be a cop anymore, anywhere, at any time. If he puts so little value on a human life, he just needs to find another line of work that doesn’t include him having a gun and being responsible for human lives.

I’m going for some sort of egg case. To what is the bigger question. Something we haven’t seen and terrifying no doubt. :D

I call them “chum”. When they go speeding past me I simply grin and say to myself, “Yup, you go on ahead and chum for cops”.

If someone passes me on the road? I don’t do anything. They are passing me, not menacing me or cutting in front of me and brake checking me. What is it with people who get all pissed off just for someone legally passing them? To me that signals much deeper mental\psychological issues with those types of people. They

I read about these in the past. That whole area was peat marsh before being flooded. I believe that one in the article is the largest floating bog and also know as the “Forty Acre Bog”. You can walk on the mature ones, but the newer ones would be risky as they start out as mud flats, so pretty risky walking on one of

Back in the day a buddy of mine was into RC cars big time. He was a member of a local club and they would get together on weekends. These guys brought tackle boxes full of spare parts and even had hot knives they would use to cut their own gears. They were pretty serious about it.

I didn’t have to read past “Mississippi” and “Black 10 year old arrested for public urination”. I’m sure the white cops had a good ole time making sure that black child will grow up “fearing their authority”.

But that’s not what he’s saying, he’s saying if you get too many in a short time period then is disables the feature completely for a specific amount of time and not allowed to be re-enabled until that time period passes. Like say you get 5 warnings in a 15 minute time period, then the system disables and can’t be

It should also have a set limit of warnings in a specific time period before it disengages for a specific and longer time period. Say like if you get 5 warnings in a 15 minute period it disengages and can’t be re-engaged for 60 minutes. That’s the problem, it’s too easy to game the system and IMHO can be easily fixed

I don’t think they were paying for anything relating to them or their business dealings being in front of SCOTUS at the time, but that’s not what these types are only paying for, they are also paying for any future circumstances they might have dealing in front of the courts. It never hurts to have a SCOTUS judge in

I was going to say the same thing. That the “my kids” comment was Freudian slip on her part and that the kids aren’t actually his. Which would jive with the rest of that whole shit show they put on. I mean, he was so proud of himself for picking up HER kids, like “fuck I gotta go pick up her kids again, they’re not

So, a company that Musk is head of wants government subsidies, must be the shareholders asking for this and not Musk himself since he’s soooo anti-government subsidy.

But, but, but...Musk is against subsidies, he’s made several public comments about how he’s against government subsidies, so it couldn’t possibly be Tesla, a Musk company, asking for government subsidies, no, no, no!

And how will you get to that venue, why you rent a flight on a private jet, courtesy of Costco.

I have a solution, make it so those trucks being used in those circumstances have to register as “off road\racing only” truck with special plates that don’t allow them to be driven on public roads. Problem solved.

Yeah I’m wondering that myself. It was founded in Hong Kong but is listed as being registered in the British Virgin Islands. Hell US citizens aren’t even legally allowed to open an account with Bitfinex. When reading more about the theft, the company did approach US authorities for help in locating the perpetrators as