Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Does Saks Fifth Avenue sell gift cards?

That, and it was full of ex-nazis. Who fit right in in the American south back then.

Growing up part of my life in the southwest (AZ), people don’t realize how fast you can succumb to heat illness. In other places where there’s a decent amount of humidity, you’re much more aware you’re sweating and losing precious bodily fluids. In the southwest, because of the heat, dryness and sometimes a hot wind,

Your situation is unfortunate and, in your case, taking the drug is justified. I think he’s more referencing the people taking it because it’s the easy way. Not because they have thyroid issues or other medical issues that make it difficult for them to lose weight. I know several people that are taking it because they

Especially if you’re taking it for something like obesity. I personally know 3 women taking it strictly for that, and all three have had gastric issues. Yet they persist on taking it (a couple have even had their doses increased) because it’s the “easy way” to lose weight than say, actually exercising and eating

One could argue that making these acts public helps him earn more money to continue to be philanthropic. I mean most well known charities advertise. Like those that help children, putting all those cute, big doe eyed kids up front and center so everyone goes “Awe, we gotta help the poor children, Marriot, get my

I’m interested to see how this turns out. They tried this in Spain (IIRC) and when they (Google) cut off news links in their searches, all the news agencies ad revenue took a nosedive. They then realized the benefit of what Google (and FB) do when presenting the news blurbs in their services, it drives traffic to

Looks like Ford already beat them to a throwback edition of their Bronco.

You would think that America’s premier federal law enforcement agency would actually, you know, vet these contractors to make sure everything they are doing, on the law enforcement agency’s behalf, is all good and legal.

Sounds right for Texas. Don’t educate, incarcerate!

I’m hoping you reported that because that doesn’t look normal or intentional. That looks like a structural defect.

Not just DC, Baltimore is having the same issue right now. Mostly targeting Kias and Hyundais because of that ignition thing (easy to bypass), and also newer Hondas for their rims.

So Disneyland is “notoriously dry” yet Disneyworld you can pretty much get a beer (or other canned adult beverages) at most of the snack stands at most of their parks and walk around drinking it. Wonder why the one was so dry and other so liberal with alcohol.

And the ocean being like 100+ degrees.

He’s going to pass legislation that any public display of same sex manatee lovin be outlawed. 

Kinda hard to have actual evidence when all your knowledge comes second hand from others.

I’m sorry, Doctor who? They didn’t mention his name?

Well, in all fairness, it wasn’t just camera footage in the Nimitz incident, there was also visual sightings by the fighter pilot (David Fravor). Not only him, but his navigator and the other pilot and navigator in his wing that were present at the time of the sighting. Not saying it means “UFOs” just saying there was

Jason Aldean: MY song is not racist!

Same for my small town. I got out right away. Family and friends who still live there always talk about being “stuck” there and not being able to get out. It’s not all Adean makes it out to be.